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New whisper-shouted to his boyfriend's ears while both of them are still on the bed. 

Tay did not stir so New blew to his ear until Tay's brows furrowed and his left hand covered his left ear.

"Hiiin," Tay groggily said. "Stop iiit!"

"Stop what? This?" New removed Tay's hand on his ear and blew it once more. Tay struggled until New sat on top of him and kissed his nose.

New just stared at his boyfriend with a smile on his face. He loves mornings like this. Mornings when he gets to wake-up next to Tay without rushing to leave for work, when he gets to admire his boyfriend's features as if God took his time in making him, when he gets to cook him breakfast or take care of him in any way possible.

He held Tay's face while Tay's hands were on his hips.

"I've missed this. I've missed you. So much." New then leaned in and kissed Tay. They shared a passionate kiss until Tay broke it for them to catch their breaths.

Tay's face suddenly turned sullen which worried New, "I'm sorry, Hin. I asked my manager if I can reschedule my works today but she said it's not possible. I'm sorry," Tay held New's hand on his face and leaned on it.

"It's okay. There will be other days." 

"But you just got home after being gone for a week Hin!" Tay sulked which New found cute. 

New kissed Tay again then got up, "I'll cook breakfast."

"Can I just eat you, instead?"

"You can eat this-" New closed his knuckles into a fist and playfully fake-punched Tay.


Both of them are now in the dining area eating breakfast when Tay spoke.

"Maybe I can just ask them if we could finish early so I can come home to you earlier tonight."

"It's okay." New answered and held Tay's right hand "I would still be here when you get home. No need to rush."

Tay kissed his boyfriend's hand. Both continued eating until Tay realized something.

"Wait. They didn't ask you to spend the day with Mint?"

"They did. But I told them I don't want to and I don't think Mint wants to either since she's dating who-knows-who. I honestly don't know why she can't tell me when I told her that I'm dating you," New shook his head and chuckled, "Anyway, I badly need to rest plus I told my manager that I really want to spend the day only with you," New smiled at Tay but Tay's face turned into a sad one.

"I feel bad, Hin, I really wish to spend the day with you, too. I'm sorry."

"Hey, hey, I keep saying it's okay because it really is! We're both actors. I understand your struggles as much as you understand mine. I just need you to get home safely later. That's all."

"Thank you, Hin. I love you so much."

"I love you, too. So much. Now eat. You wouldn't want to be late."

"Yes, boss"


It was almost 9 in the evening when Tay got home to the smell of Thai Southern Yellow Curry and the sound of Say You Won't Let Go coming from the kitchen.

When Tay got there, he saw his boyfriend's topless sexy back, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts and an apron. He swallowed hard as he eyed New's back. 

God this man can make me crazy without even doing anything, Tay thought.

He then made his way to New and hugged him from behind and kissed his shoulders.

"I heard you coming in. You hungry?" New asked.

"I am. For this," Tay kissed New's shoulder blades and proceeded to his neck. He turned New so he's facing him now, and kissed him passionately. New can feel the heat all over his body. He's just not sure if it is from the stove or from being turned on by Tay. 

"Te...hngg...Te," New tried to speak while his neck is being attacked again by Tay.

He lightly pushed Tay for him to stop. Tay looked at New when the latter spoke.

"As much as I want to continue this, I cooked your favorite and it'd be a waste if it got burned."

"But you are my favorite, Hin," Tay answered with an emphasis to the 'you'

He kissed New again but New pushed him again, stopping the kiss. 

"Let's eat this first, okay? Then we can eat each other later," New gave Tay a wink.

"Oooh, wild!" Tay joked which earned him a slap on his arm. They let go of the hug and New faced the stove again.

"Now go shower while I prepare the table."

"Sure you won't join me?" Tay asked with a playful smirk on his face.

New just shook his head, amused by his boyfriend's silliness and constant horniness.


Both cuddled on the bed after a few rounds of sex, with New's head on top of Tay's chest while the latter is playing on the former's hair.

"Te," New is being careful on what to say. He knows his boyfriend understands the predicament he is in with Mint, but still, with the history between the two, he can't help but always worry that Tay might feel insecure, "I won't be home tomorrow at dinner. I need to take Mint out since we didn't do anything today. Some of the fans were asking why we weren't together when it's both our day-off."

Tay didn't respond immediately. Instead, he lifted New's face with his finger on the latter's chin so they would see eye to eye.

"It's okay. I understand," He kissed New's forehead and hugged him, "I do."

New believes him. He knows that Tay's trust in him equals that of his trust in Tay.

When he heard New's soft snores, Tay properly positioned his boyfriend on the bed. He put the latter's head on the pillow and pulled the thick blanket up to his neck. He then put his head on his arm, with his body positioned facing the love of his life.

I  understand, Hin. I really do. I know one day we no longer have to hide our relationship in the shadow of Mint's and yours. But when will that be Hin? When will you let the world know that it's me who you truly love and not her? Until when do I have to wait?

Tay slept with a bothered mind.


Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Where stories live. Discover now