The New Kid

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Victor, Andrew, and Luca have been friends for most of their high school years, this year was their senior year. Luca sat down in his seat and just had a dull look on his face as he looked around the classroom, but soon he noticed something. ' Who is that?.. ' He asked him self as he looked at a kid who was unfamiliar to him.  He remembered earlier today hearing people talk about a new student coming into the school. ' hmm what was the name again..' he thought to himself. " Edgar,, Valden." He said out loud on accident. " Hmm? " Edgar mumbled as he looked towards Luca, " Why did you say my name? " Edgar asked with a huff. " Oh sorry!  I.. Just wanted to introduce myself! I'm Luca Balsa, nice to meet you! " Luca explained. " Oh, um.. I'm Edgar Valden, same to you. " He replied quietly as he turned back around. Luca awkwardly turned back towards his desk as well. ' Edgar Valden... ' He thought to himself with a small smile.

Luca sat by Victor and Andrew at lunch as usually, but still couldn't get Edgar out of his mind. There was something about him that intrigued Luca, but he couldn't put his finger on what it was." Um Luca you ok? " Andrew asked. " Oh yeah I'm fine! " Luca replied with a smile as he got up and headed towards where Edgar sat. " Luca where are you going? " Andrew asked. " I'm going to go invite Edgar to sit with us. " Luca said as he started to walk away, just for Andrew to stop him again. " Why do you want to talk to him,, Edgar's is really pretentious and stuck up. " Andrew said with a groan. " It's ok Andrew! He's probably just shy. " Luca sighed as he then headed off to Edgar. 

" Hey Edgar would you l- " Luca was interrupted by Edgar abruptly " What do you want? I'm trying to draw. " Edgar said with a annoyed look on his face. " Oh I was just wondering if you wanted to get lunch with me and my friends since you're new here! " Luca asked. ' Andrew was right,, he is kind of rude. ' He thought to himself. Edgar turned around, ready to deny Luca's offer but after he looked at Luca he sighed " Ok, that's fine. "He mumbled as he got up with sketchpad in hand.

" Why did he have to go and invite him.. " Andrew mumbled to Victor as he huffed. " Hey maybe he won't be that bad! " Victor said quietly with a reassuring smile. Andrew sighed " Maybe you're right. " 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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