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The Sky was filled with shades of orange and red as the first rays of the sun were falling on earth spreading it's morning warmth onto beings and habitats of Earth as it was in nature and same way sun allowed his first rays to enter inside the room which was closed and is not allowing to spread his rays as curtains were being draped across to windows to stop him but the sun made sure to enter through the gaps and fell on the face of women who was sleeping peacefully in the arms of her man who was sleeping hugging her though waist tightly and nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck, due to the rays the lady moved around for some time and slowly opened her eyes and the first sight she was greeted in the morning was her husband's face who was sleeping like a baby with slightly open mouth and a small smile on his lips nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck and she can feel his breath on her skin and she felt goosebumps and sensations arise in her but she controlled and slowly came out of his embrace, bent down and kissed his forehead and moved away from him to get down when she was pulled back suddenly with force due to which she fell backwards and she looked up to see her husband looking at her with smirk playing on his lips.

"Where do you think you are going Sweetheart without giving me my morning dose?" He asked and she just shook her head and tried to move from his hold.

"Rishab, leave me, in some minutes, our daughter will be here to wake us up," Prerana said trying to move when he tightened his hold on her.

"Not so fast Mrs. Prerana Rishab Bajaj, you cannot run away from me without giving me my morning dose, and even after two years  you are still shy in giving me my morning kiss, hmm?" Rishab said while nuzzling his face in her neck placing small open mouth kisses which made her shiver while her cheeks turned read due to shyness but she also felt happy that it has been two years since they started their married life and still they are in love so much that she feels this as a dream which will break any moment but she knows and trusts that her Rishab is always with her to prove that it is reality and not a dream.

"Rishu, leave me please, we also need to get ready for the day," Prerana tried for one last time and he shook his head in no and without any other way she moved forward and slowly placed her soft lips on his and he started kissing her softly and both enjoyed the kiss which became a morning ritual for both of them once they started their marital relationship in the true sense, even though Prerana denied giving him that she enjoyed Rishab's antics to get a kiss from her in the morning and she always felt happy in her heart and they stopped their kiss when they felt a banging on their door by their daughters and Rishab just grumbled.

"Why did God give me such cute, happy, joyful daughters who are enemies of my romance with my wife, Why God, why?" Rishab grumbled looking up dramatically while Prerana smacked his arms laughing softly while going to the door to open it and when she opened the door the sight in front of her made her heart swell with happiness.

There, their elder daughter Sneha {Kukki} was standing with her teddy bear which got for her last birthday from her father in her left hand while she caught her younger sister Amara's hand in her right while her one year old who recently started to walk with help from them was standing beside her elder clutching Kukki's hand with her left hand while she was busy sucking right-hand thumb while her Pooh the stuffy panther she loves is under her arm which she was clutching tightly and both of them gave bright smiles to Prerana and Prerana sat on her knees knowing what is coming next.

"Good Morning Mamma,"Kukki greeted her mother kissing Prerana's cheek  who can now talk  but it took intensive therapy and lot of love and care from Prerana and Rishab and at last for their efforts Kukki was successful in speaking again which gave immense happiness and joy to them both now that they can hear and see how happy their daughter looked now that she is normal like other children of her age while her younger daughter Amara is carbon copy of her mother, same eyes, smile, lips everything but in her mannerisms, she always tries to copy her father and now She decided to copy her elder sister and gave a sloppy kiss on Prerana's cheek which made Prerana smile seeing the that and she took Amara in her arms while Kukki clutched her mother's pallu and three of them walked towards Rishab who was now sitting on bed looking at three of them with love and affection in his eyes and before Prerana can leave  Amara down, she started to jump up and down in her mother's arms squealing seeing her father  which made Rishab chuckle softly.

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