Reset: 21 Love (OGT cannon)

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Wash had just gone through being told he was injured in battle by a weapon with Nef before Kaz came to take him to his room looking at the man helping him he saw that he wanted to say something

Wash: are you ok Kaz: ya I'm fine can we just not talk about this

Wash dropped the subject and continued on the two spent more time together working getting to know each other

Wash: hey after our shift would you be able to meet me in the mess hall Kaz: um sure ya I can meet you there

Once their shift was done they had to split to clock off they met up in the mess hall as everyone was finishing like always Wash looked at Kazsava in the eyes as he took his hand

Wash: I want to show you something Kaz: ah sure

Kaz followed Wash to one end of the ship opening up a door Kazsava was surprised to find they had a forest on the ship

Kaz: but Wash: this is the oxygen factory it's all sort of fake half of it is technology the other is real but I was sent here to check the power relay and I thought this was a good place to bring someone Kaz: it's beautiful

The two sat as Kazsava had been holding something

Wash: what you got Kaz: oh well I found out that you were born today and I had been looking into human culture and found out they celebrate the years they've lived for through food and gifts so I got this for you

Kazsava held up a food pack that only high ranked officers had being they were treated better than the rest the two shared the pack for a bit after that they sat there for a few minutes looking at the forest as the robotic bugs came out to tend to it Kazsava thinking it was beautiful till Wash looked at Kazsava getting his attention

Kaz: are you ok Wash: ya everything's perfect

Kazsava had no idea what Wash was thinking but they both moved in closer to the point they could feel the hot breath each time they let out a breath Wash started to get nervous till Kazsava kiss him Wash was a little shocked but then deepened the kiss wraping his arms around Kazsava's neck feeling like he would be safe with him till the end of time the sprinklers came on wetting the two they broke the kiss and left the room laughing heading back to Kazsava's room for the night

Wash: sorry I didn't know they actually needed water Kaz: it's okay it's fine that was quite nice Wash: ya it was

The two looked at each other blushing before Wash jumped onto Kazsava kissing more making a mess of the room having fun before sleeping in each other's embrace Wash felt like he could stay that way forever till the next morning Wash woke up first and just stayed still till Kazsava awoke

Kaz: good morning Wash: morning Kaz: do you know what time it is Wash: nope

Kazsava pulled up a clock realising they were late for their shifts they rushed to put their clothes on after a quick shower the two started to head over to their job till two guards grabbed Wash Kazsava tried to order them to let him go but a third guard grabbed him and told him it was the doc's orders trying to talk to Wash but couldn't as they told him they needed to reset him knowing what that means he begged Doc not to

Nef: I'm sorry but he messed up yesterday and I can't disobey our emperor he needs to go through a reset plus he's here today and wants to see the procedure Kaz: what Nef: so I can't do anything to stop this you'll just have to hope he remembers this time Kaz: (looks down) ya Nef: if you want you can just go and stay in your room for the day I mean nothing much will happen Kaz: (sad) thanks

Kazsava went back to his room almost in tears before remembering he had a wife and kid to look after realising he wasn't loyal to her or his kid knowing that he can't let this happen the next day when he was to meet the reset Wash he'd hoped he would remember him but didn't each time he was reset after that he'd hope he would remember when Wash placed his hand on his chest his hopes sky rocketed but were crushed when he did something else

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