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Tawan sat on top of New with both of his hands pressing against the latter's cheeks.

"Newwiee, Newwiee, Newwiee, Newwiee," Tay said like an ambulance siren while he playfully swayed his lover's head from side to side.

"Hmmmmm Teeee," New is still half-asleep as he tried to get Tay off him but Tay held New's both hands and puts it above the latter's head.

"Hin, do you know what day it is?"

New opened his eyes slightly while his brows furrowed, thinking about his boyfriend's question. A few seconds later, his eyes opened wide and a smile plastered on his face as a realization dawned on him.

Seeing New's reaction, Tay knew that New amready remembered what day it is. Tay leaned in until his nose is touching New's nose.

"Happy third anniversary, Hin, my moon, the love of my life, the one with whom I'm going to spend the rest of my life, the one-" Tay sat up and held New's right hand to his chest "for whom this beats. I love you so much Hin. You have no idea how much you make me happy and I promise to return the favor every single day as long you're with me."

New's eyes suddenly teared up and the tears fell down his cheeks. Tay saw this and immediately wiped them.

"I love you so much, Te, my sun, my light. God knows how much you make me the happiest man," New suddenly chuckled. "Why do you always make me cry when you're on top of me?"

"HIN!" Tay blushed with the remark, "You ruined the moment!"

New laughed at how his lover reacted.

Tay got off New so the latter could sit up.

"Unfortunately, we can't celebrate today," Tay said sadly.

"Yeah. I tried to ask P'Jack to give this day to me but he said he wouldn't be able to do so."

"Same with me."

"But maybe I can get days-off next month? Let's just have a simple dinner tonight," New gave his boyfriend a sweet smile which made the latter smile as well.

"Okay. Maybe I can ask for three days so we can go somewhere far."

"Okay. I'll do the same"

Tay suddenly pushed down New and positioned himself on top of him. "But right now, you're not going anywhere!"


Tay attacked him with a kiss on the lips which the latter returned passionately. They made out until New lightly tapped Tay's shoulders so he could catch his breath.

"Okay," New tried to speak as he catches his breath. He pointed a finger at Tawan and said, "But no marks where it can be seen."

Tay smiled sheepishly and bit his lover's finger. "I'll only mark the places which only I can see."

He kissed New again, savoring his lover's taste.

They have been together for three years now. What could possibly go wrong?



New was not able to restrain himself from shouting since he was really startled by the favor the management was asking him.

"New, calm down, please?" Jack, his manager, plead to him.

"This is the best option we have now, New. It's not just Mint's career that is on the line," one of the higher-ups said with no single trace of sympathy on his face.

New looked at his manager, anger obvious on his face, "No, Phi! You can't do this to me! I have my own relationship to protect so why do I have to get involved in this?!"

"Please, Nong, think about it first."

"No need to think about it. My answer is no and that's final," he looked at his manager and to the other two people in the room before he stormed out of the conference room.





News about Mint headlined a few days ago. Someone took a picture of her near her condominium building, getting off a black Bentley Flying Spur which was reportedly owned by one of the board members of the entertainment agency she, New, and Tay work at. The man in question is Gee Sutthirak Subvijitra, married to an heiress of one of the most famous hotel chains in Thailand, and a father to a two-year-old baby girl.

Articles about it got pulled down a few hours after it broke out. Perhaps because the one involved comes from a very powerful background. However, the news still traveled through words of mouth and private messages that it did not easily die down even after a few days.

The management looked for ways on how to put a stop to the spreading of the news, even using one of their loveteams by releasing another dating scandal. However, gossips did not die down, so they asked New to help them.

New was adamant about saying no. He can't possibly do whatever they are asking. First, he is in a happy relationship with Tay, and second, what they are asking is too much. He's more than grateful that Tay agreed to this set-up of him and Mint dating publicly. Imagine having to deal with your boyfriend getting lovey-dovey with an ex-fling. To do more than that would definitely break them apart.

I'm sorry Mint. As much as I want to protect you, I have to prioritize Tay. New thought as he stormed out to the parking lot. Once inside his car, he put both of his hands and his head on the steering wheel. He feels breathless.

When he calmed down, he started the engine and reached for his phone to text Tay when he suddenly received a message.

From: Mint Ranchrawee

New, can we meet?


Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Where stories live. Discover now