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Zailia's Perspective:

I wake up to the sound of things being rummaged though, My brother Arrow was digging threw the hunting supplies. I open my eyes already annoyed this early, I sit up and look at him for a minute as he was desperately trying to find something.

"What are you looking for, And why did you wake me up for it?" I ask him getting up and pulling on some jeans.

"I'm looking for the sling shot, There are some birds outside." He says to me pulling out the slingshot and smiling to himself.

Don't hurt yourself, and don't go far. I don't like the looks of the weather today so stay close." I scold him.

"I'll be fine, Bye" He says leaving slamming the door behind him.

I roll my eyes watching him run out side beginning to look for rocks to kill the innocent birds, But hey we need to eat.

I gather some wood from the pile we had sitting in the corner of what we have established as the living room. Starting up a fire in our brick fireplace, I walk outside over to the stream that was outside the small run down house we were living in. I get the glass containers that were containing milk. I had put in the stream the night before to keep them fresh.

I get back inside and hear the fire cracking and I walk over to the counter and grab an egg that we had gotten yesterday from the chickens. I crack the egg over an iron pan and immediately I hear the sizzling egg and begin to smell the savory smell of breakfast.

I stand out by the window watching Arrow shoot rocks at the helpless birds that were sitting atop of the stone roofs; He missed most but after a few shots he actually got one and ran over to grab it excitedly.

I flip the egg and go outside. "Breakfast!" I yell out to my brother, Who came running with his dead bird in hand.

"Put that on the counter I'll prepare it" I say to him as he sets the lifeless bird down on the counter. He takes the egg onto a cloth and begins to eat it with his hands messily. I walk over and pick up the loaf of bread that was almost out, I pick off a small piece and eat it slowly savoring every small bite.

"Are you not having eggs?" He says his mouth full.

"Don't talk with your mouth open, And no we are running low on food I'll pick up some more when I leave for town later today." I tell him pulling on my boots and jacket.

"Speaking of I should get going now, If I want to be back by noon. Be safe and again stay in the area." I tell him grabbing one of the real weapons', A Bow and arrow, I sling it over my shoulder.

"Get jam for the bread!" He shouts at me right before I close the door.

"Get a job, Then we'll talk!" I shout back closing the door knowing he is in there rolling his eyes. He is 12 and should have a job by now, But he does help a lot in the hunting so I'm letting it slide, For now."

I walk on the wet stone path that led to town, observing around me looking for any easy animals to catch for dinner; that small bird would not be nearly enough.

I walk for around an hour before spotting a white rabbit sitting by a patch of grass, I stop in my tracks crouching down taking out my Bow and shooting it perfectly. My dad used to help me hunt every day and he always told me I had perfect aim.

I stand back up and grab the rabbit by the leg taking the arrow out and putting it back with my other arrows. It was a small rabbit not much meat, Since there wasn't much to eat around here even for the animals, But it would do nicely with the bird.

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