Chapter 8

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(A/n: This chapter just for Rose and Hejin scene. I mean, it's okay if you spend your time a little with your ex-girlfriend,right? Or should I say your 'bestfriend'? *smile like an idiot*)

Hejin's POV:
This Sunday, I'm actually alone at home because my friends already gone. But fortunately, Rose is still here to accompany me. She actually wants to go back to the hotel where she's staying,but because I don't want to be alone, so I ask her if she want to stay with me.
I don't know what I would have done if she wasn't here. Maybe, I just lay down, walk to the park,or go to my friend's house.

She's now sitting next to me watching tv,while drink some tea. Her head rested on my shoulder, making me feel something. It makes me smile to myself when I see her like this.

But deep inside of my heart,my mind always has one name, and that is Sana. I don't know when I'll confess my feeling to her. I'm afraid if she'll stay away from me. As ignore me, or act cold to me and etc.
But now, let's just wait. And btw, I already felt the awkwardness in herself when she fell asleep on top of me and hugged me last night. She's so cute when she's sttuter like that.

'Just wait Sana, I'm sure when that day come 'you'll be mine'.

Little that I know,Rose called me many times but I didn't listen to her.

"Yah..Hejin-ah.. what's wrong with you? I called you earlier but you didn't look at me..and you smiled to yourself like an idiot." She look down and pout.

Aww she's still know how to make my heart beat so fast,huh?

"Sorry...why do you called me?"

"Since it's Sunday now, why don't we go out? Like going to an amusement park, mall or anywhere. Can we? Can we?"
She's smile and make a puppy eyes.
Yahh her husband is so dumb for hurting beautiful and precious girl like her.
Tsk,stupid boy.

"Is that what you want? Wait,what time is it?"

"4pm, why?"

"Nothing,I just ask. Go change your clothes now."

"Really? But my clothes are in the hotel, I should go there first for take it."

"Rose, why you should go back to the hotel if you can wear my clothes? Go changes now. Just wear my clothes what you want and comfortable with you."

"Aww really? Thank're the best..mwah."

She's run up stairs after kiss me on my cheek. D-did she kissed my cheek? My cheeks!?
I froze for a moment because of it and touch my cheek.

"Did she still have feelings for me?"

Rose's POV:
Me and Hejin arrived at the amusement park. This is the first time again I went to the amusement park after I got married and broke up with him. Yup, when we were dating she always took me here.If we are still have a time, we'll go to the Han River and sit on the bench there. I 'hope', now is the time to repeat those memories.

"Which one are we going to play first? Roller coaster?"

"YES! Let's ride roller coaster first."
I jumped like a child with joy.

"Okay, let's go?"
"Let's Go!!! Yuhuuu!!"


Hejin's POV:
Oh God, I won't ride the roller coaster anymore. My head is dizzy and I feel the world spinning. I can't walk properly and I can't feel my feet.

"Jijin, you okay? Why does your face look pale and walk like a drunk person? Should we go to your house now?"
She looked at me with a hint of worry in her eyes.
"Nono,I'm fine. I'm just little bit dizzy. I'm okay, don't worry. Let's continue playing the others."

We played and I gave her a squirrel plushie because I won a game. After that, I bought her cotton candy.

" your mouth."
Why she's always called my nickname?
I open my mouth and she feed me.
"Uhm, just like you."
I blink my eyes for a sec before I covered my mouth with my hands because I realized what I said.
"I know it. And, you're so cute when you like that."
She's clinging on me wrap her hand on my arm.


Because it's already night now, so we stop at the restaurant for dinner.


We already got home and I threw myself on the sofa because I was so...tired.

"Why are you sleeping here? Go to your room and wash up. After that, you can sleep."
I pushed myself up and sat on the sofa.
"Rose, can I ask you something?"
She's sit beside me.
"W-what is it?"
Why is she stuttering? Does she know if I'm going to ask about that?

I cleared my troat before I ask...

"Do you still have feelings for me?"

To be continued...

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