Chapter 9

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Hejin's POV:
It's Monday now, I wake up and head to the bathroom. After that, I wear my clothes and went downstairs for breakfast before I go to the school.
Btw, Rose is still here even though she's a little awkward to me because of yesterday.


"Do you still have feelings for me?"
She froze after she heard what I asked.
"W-what? O-of course,not."

"Don't lie to me,Rose. I'm not mad to you if you still have feeling to me."
I smile to her and convinced her to tell the truth. And to be honest, I won't be mad at her.

"I'm not. I-i don't have feeling to you. You said if I-im your bestfriend. And-"

"Rose,if you lied to me and don't tell me the truth what do you feel when you're with me, than I'll mad at you."
I looked straight into her eyes hoping she would say it.
"I-i..y-yes, I still h-have feeling to you. S-sorry."
And tears came out of her after she told her feelings to me. I pulled her close to me, and I hugged her.

"Hey, it's okay don't cry. I'm glad that you know if I have no feelings for you. And you know? Since we broke up, I might have a hard time moving on,but finally I can move on from you and now I already like someone else. I'm sure you will get a person who's better than me, especially your husband."

I pushed her shoulders slightly and lifted her chin up to see me,
"Don't close your heart just because of me. If you are like that, you will be trapped in the past. Now is the time for you to look to the future. I will always be there for you but not as a girlfriend. I'll be by your side as a bestfriend. I'm sorry too."

"I- i was just afraid that if I said that you would stay away from me. I- i don't know who else to be with. And m-maybe, my parents already know if I ran away from my husband's house. And if they found me, I'm sure they will bring me back again to my husband's. I don't w-want to go back there, Hejin-ah."

And if you think she's crying again, that's right. I took her hand and put it on my lap.

"Hey, it will never happen. Don't think something like that. If you meet your parents, just call me. I will help you and protect you as best I can. I always beside you. And..can you calm down,now? Let's sleep because I'm tired. I whining like a baby to her and it make her chukle."

"You're so cute."
"I know."
We silent for a sec,but it the end we laughs each other and go to my room and go to sleep. Oh and we don't forget to take a shower. I mean, we are take a shower but not together :)

*Flashback end*

"Rose, don't be awkward to me. Can you?"
I look to see her. She's sit in front of me while eating breakfast too same like me.
"W-what? A..haha okay. I just-"
I'm not to be rude again, but i cut her word because I finished my breakfast.
"Okay Rose, I'll go to the school now. You can do what you want here because my 2 brother aren't here. Make yourself at home,kay?"
I took my car keys near the tv table and headed to school.


When I arrived on my class,I sit on my chair but I heard many people whisper like , "Did Sana really break up with her boyfriend?" "I heard she almost got raped by, Bambam." "Poor my, Sana" "And from what I've heard, Bambam did that just for betting."

What the hell? Is what they said true?
If that's true, will I get a chance to get close to Sana?

Jeongyeon unnie suddenly approached me.

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