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Twister is a game usually played by children that requires two to six players to orient there feet and hands on a colourful mat according to colours and body parts picked by a spinning wheel, and if a body part other than hands or feet touch the mat that player is out. Today however it was the months class challenge for the school for thieves known as V.I.L.E.

Coach Brunt had decided that this game would determine an operatives agility, stamina, and ability to cooperate with others, and depending on how well you do the higher your test results will be.

The roommates Black Sheep, Graham, kid they still didn't know the name of that they just called Quiet Kid, Antonio, Sheena, and Jean-Paul were picked to be a team, while a graduate with the code name Sticks was there spinner and judge. There other six roommates were too there left and it was a personal goal of there team to at least outlast them.

There was one student who was nervous, well two, Quiet Kid always seemed nervous so he didn't count, no it was Antonio who was nervous about this game. He had over his few months at V.I.L.E. developed feelings for one of his roommates and knew that in this game players tended to get all tangled up in positions on top of each other and he wasn't sure just yet of how he felt about being on top of Jean-Paul, even if it was just a game.

In the center of the room Coach Brunt spoke out to all the different teams.

"Ok, you all know the rules, and the judge will be recording your scores and making sure there is no cheating, and for once I want no cheating, are we clear? Okay than, timer starts now."

Sticks spun the spinner for the first time.

"Left foot red."

And that was where everyone put there left foot.

"Left hand green."

Everyone leaned over.

"Right hand blue."

This started the communication part of the trial, as although there were enough circles for each, it was easier for some to share. Black Sheep called out to Quiet Kid.

"Can we share a spot? It would help a lot."

And he just nodded and shifted his hand over a couple of centimetres so Black Sheep could put her hand down. The rule in the game for touching a colour was the majority of your hand or foot must touch the circle, so although sharing did help, to much sharing and too little circle was a possible problem Antonio had to think about, especially with him having the biggest hands of them all.

"Right hand yellow."

"Left foot green."

"Right foot red."

"Right hand red."

"Right foot yellow."

"Left hand green."

After five minutes they were starting to get significantly tangled. Quiet Kid was trying to reach his right hand to blue but because of how he was tangled he could not reach, Antonio noticed that he was trying to morse code on Sheena something, probably to move a certain way to let him reach. But either she didn't understand or she intentionally ignored him, before Antonio could verbalize Quiet Kids request his arm slipped and his elbow knocked into Graham who lost his balance a little and his back touched the mat.

"You, brunet, your disqualified."

In his Australian accent as he got up and off the mat Graham halfheartedly protested.

"Only because the silent one bumped into me."

"No excuses, your score has been recorded, go work on other assignments until everyone is finished."

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