Non- existent Explanation

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I waltzed down the corridors along with Skulduggery and the others. When we got to the door I looked in and prepared to explain everything. They all sat in silence, for hugs had been given and received, all idle chatter was spoken. They were all waiting for me.

Death and destruction crossed my mind, and I flinched taking in a short breath.

"So, I assume the silence is you guys waiting for an explanation." nods passed through the group.

"That unfortunately will be a non - existent explanation."

"Huh?" They chorused

" I'm not going to tell you where I have been or what I have been doing because to be honest it's none of your business. Supreme Mage Sorrows, Elder Bespoke and Elder Ravel aside but I have no known reason to tell the rest of you." So leave," before I start a killing spree, I thought.

They murmured unhappily and left the room. Leaving only China, Ghastly and Ravel behind along with Skulduggery. I drew in a deep breath and thought through what I should say... How was I to explain that I had left because of my feeling, because of what I had done, because of Darquesse herself, my own loss of sense, how was I to explain it all.

" So?" Ghastly asked.

"I am trying to find a way to word it" try I replied bluntly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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