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1. Please please please wait for me to accept your form before asking to rp.

2. One of the most important rules is please be descriptive in your writing, I lose interest pretty fast in one liners. Just please try to reach at least a 4 sentences

3. Respond in third person

4. If I don't respond you can tag me after a day, I'll try to let you know if I won't be able to respond

5. Don't just only play your oc only, there will be some points obviously where you have to only play your oc and that's fine

6. Try to censor the cursing

7. I play your oc's love Intrest and you play mine's

8. No overpowered characters, just makes it
boring tbh.

9. Also I'm fine with keeping some characters alive... not all

Password 1: Just say hi or something idrc
Password 2: If you can please tag someone you know that'll like to rp, you don't have to but it'll be greatly appreciated

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