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"DESSSSSSS" my best friend/Roommate Aisha said yelling as she bursted in my room
I jumped I got scared asab she came in like the feds
"Cmon bitch we going out tonight" she said shaking her ass
"Ayeee, but-" i said
"Uh uh girl no buts you not gone spend no more time with that Nigga you never wanna go out no more weirdo" she said cutting me off
I rolled my eyes
I been with my boyfriend bryce for almost 3 years idk why she acting brand new anyway going out was never really my thing
"Bestie I really would go out but you know now that Bryce is in college his basketball gets in the way and I never get to spend time with him anymore" I said trying to explain
"Girl I don't give no fucks you better get up and tell that man you shaking ass tonight" Aisha said
She never liked us together she swear he not Shit but honestly he the best man i don't think he even looks at other women
I huffed and puffed then my phone dinged
Hubby 💍💚: tiny ?
Hubby 💍💚: sorry bae I can't make it coach has us doing extra 😒
oh it's okay love you 💚 Seen
Aisha creeps behind me and look up all in my phone
"Girl !" I said snatching my phone out her sight
"Looks like we going out tonight" she yelled
Aisha pulls me out of bed
"Come on get up bitch we finna be so lit tonight" Aisha said
Ugh I force myself to get ready
30 minutes later
"Come on sexy dessy you ready?" Aisha said walking in my room
"Yes girl I been ready let's go" I said grabbing my purse
"Ou bestie you look so sexy you gone snatch up all the niggas" Aisha said as we walked out the door