Our junior idiots are walking down the streets when Neptune alerts his crime sense is going off.
Weiss: crime senses? Who has that? I don't even believe it's a semblance.
Jing: remember these 2 are hopeless in that world.
As the idiots figure out what the crime is roman & neo sneak into Mr. Wong's shop robbing him. The duo steal all the dust as sun finds Neptune's fake mustache. Neptune finally knows what is wrong. The garbage can is not in the correct position. Sadly neo & roman got away.
Yang: boo!
Jing: like I said hopeless.
Yang & Phyrra walk in the courtyard. Yang mentions the dance from last semester. Yang was really impressed how team JNPR could dance in sync on the spot. They were amazing.
Ruby: oh yeah that was really awesome.
Weiss: they were really coordinated.
Blake: they were the talk from everyone even the teachers. Even atlas was impressed. I heard them said they must have practice before the dance.
Yang: no way.
Phyrra was acting strange. Flashback: team JNPR was in their room dance practice. Phyrra was falling behind. Ren stopped the music. Why? His the dance coordinator. & he is strict. Jaune wanted to leave but ren stopped him. They have a fitting for their tux & jaune didn't lost any weight. Nora begins to cry. Flashback ends... Phyrra assures that team JNPR are really good friends.
The girls were shocked
Ruby: they practiced? So they weren't training the whole time.
Jing (took out her phone): hold on. (Look through stuff) yeah, team JNPR wanted to be remembered by this. They had it all planned.
Yang: wow I feel like an idiot.
Blake: its ok they never did told us if they actually practice for the dance.
Weiss: that's it were dancing next time.
Yang: if were doing ballet I'm out!
In the kitchen, ruby was about to eat a cookie but Nora scared her & is acting really weird. She is tricking ruby to make her coffee & giving her complements.
Ruby: whats going on? Nora is acting weirder than usual.
Before ruby could pour Nora a cup of coffee, ren stops her. He explains Nora has too much energy & having caffeine will make it worse. Sadly this is ren's fault for not warning everyone & Nora drank the whole pot.
Everyone fell hearing that.
Nora is on the floor with a spilled coffee pot & mug. She is twitching off so much caffeine. Ren & ruby are panicking. the camera zooms into her eye as we see alternate dimensions where Nora is best friends with ruby, ren & ruby swap bodies/heads, Blake & ren, Blake & jaune, neo & roman, Neptune & sun, junior detectives, Mr. Wong & ren, ruby & Mr. Wong, 2 Mr. wongs, Neptune & jaune who were studying over the effects, until we see Nora's voice actress. As sam drinks her coffee & we are back in chibi world. Nora is out of her caffeine effect & tells ruby & ren what she saw. But it looks like Nora woke up in the wrong dimension. Ren has ruby's voice & zwei walks up to them with jaune's voice. Nora faints.
Team RWBY looks at Jing.
Jing: that's called the parallel plane. There are multiple dimensions with what ifs.
Ruby: what ifs?
Jing: yeah example, there's a dimension where you all became friends at a young ageor a universe where you all are males.
Yang: ooohhh but who was that woman who sounded like Nora?
Jing: well there are some dimensions who think your world is a fictional cartoon series. That woman is a voice actress.
Blake: wait our world is a fictional series?
Jing: it doesn't matter if another world believes you guys are fictional. There is proof that we are real. Who cares if others believe it doesn't stop that you all are real as the sun & moon.
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