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After the long train ride, you finally made it to Toyko where your Uncle was impatiently waiting for you. His dark black hair was tied in a messy man bun, showing his tired sea green eyes with eye bags under them. He was all battered, covered in bruises and cuts but most were covered by his biker attire. The usual leather jacket, dark denim jeans, combat boots, the whole shabam. Sad to say that it was the norm for him. Did you like seeing him like this all the time? No.

That's just the life of a sorcerer.

The same life you wanted; craved even.

When your Uncle, Yamato, saw you he really ripped you a new one. You basically just sat there and let him talk about how irresponsibly you acted today. The words he said didn't really sting or strike a nerve because you did this regularly. Unbeknownst to Yamato, he gave you by not being at home often so you did whatever you wanted for the most part. Sure, you'd follow him around on his business trips but only to branch off and have your own mini adventures.

Once he finished, you quickly tried to smooth things over and offered to get him a snack for his grumpy olé belly. Of course, he tried to stop you.

"We are not finished talking about this, Ace!" he yelled, walking right behind you with his index finger in the air!

That didn't last long when you actually got the snacks; ice cream to be exact. You managed to find a close ice cream that was still opened, barely to its closing time. Yamato asked for two cones and you paid for them, emptying what was left in your wallet. You both spent an hour outside the shop talking about everything that happened today.

"So," you took a generous lick of your chocolate ice cream. "How was the mission?"

"Hmm, scale from one to ten?"

"Sure, why not?"

"I'd give it a six," Yamato groaned, stretching his arms out. He leaned against your shoulder making you flinch. You grumbled, "Hey!"

He looked at your annoyed gaze and smirked, "What is it, loving niece?"

"Nice flipping try, you're squishing me, you big sack of meat!"

"Oi! Not just meat but muscle!" he flexed his injured arm as he flashed a dazzling smile. You rolled your eyes before nudging him said arm, causing him to wince in pain. You laughed at his misery while he started to whine. This continued until midnight. Once you both got home, you flopped into bed as did Yamato. The feeling of being off your feet brought in a feeling of soreness all over your body. 'That's what I get for basically walking all over two cities.'

You shimmed out of your clothes and just laid there in your underwear. Your arms were stretched out and so was your legs. All you did was stare at the ceiling, a blank stare on your face. Your eyes looked down at your chest, specifically the necklace Yuuji gave you.

You grabbed it, holding it up high towards the night light coming from your window. The rising wave engraved on ring shimmered and twinkle making you smile. You let it fall back on your chest and closed your eyes, your smiling never leaving as the words from Yuuji replayed in your head.

"Thank you, Y/N!"

Again, that was more than two weeks ago. Since then, the memories of the day you spent with Yuuji where placed on the back burner of your mind. By now you've already moved from Tokyo back to a place in the countryside your Uncle bought land in. Yes, you'll never forget how you had a blast with a complete stranger but you had other things to worry about. Like the fact of a punch hurdling your way!

You swiftly pivoted to the side and moved your opposite arm, trying to get a hit on your opponent. The blocked your swing with their tricep, their whole body getting in a guard position. You quickly changed positions and rushed at them, your bodies aura changing completely as it was engulfed with a blue color.

They took a step back, readying themselves for your attack. However you didn't completely charge at them, instead you moved back to the way you were and side weep with your right leg. They winced, the feeling of your leg hitting their side felt as if cement hit them instead. They cough as they fall to the ground, their face slamming against the rough grass. You bounced around on your feet. "Whoa! Feel as light as ever."

"Yeah, yeah calm down." Yamoto winced as he got back on his feat. Once he stood up, he looked down at you with a cocky glint in his eye. "I let you win, squirt."

You return the some attitude by handing him your boxing gloves, slamming it in his chest making him wheeze again. "Nah, seems like your losing your edge, old man."

You ignored your Uncle's protests and walked over to the outdoor bench, grabbing your waterbottle. You took a generous sip of your water and sighed afterwards. Suddenly, your phone started to buzz. You rose a brow and rummaged through your bag, pulling out your phone.


You giggled at the contact before answering, making the person on the other line sigh through the line. "What's so funny now, Y/N?"

"Nothing, Meme-chan." you laughed, holding your stomach as you leaned back on the bench. There was an uncomfortable pause from the caller as you laughed your ass off. You started to calm down and wiped a small tear from your eye.

"Are you done?" the person asked, annoyance laced in their tone.

You managed in a quick giggle before saying, "Yeah, yeah. I'm done, what's up?"

"When will you be arriving to the academy?"

"Aww. Miss me so much that you want me there as soon as possible, Megumi?"

"I will hang up the phone, right now."

"Fine, fine. Geez," you rolled your eyes. "I'll be coming back by train soon. I can't really disclose the time."

Megumi rose a brow, "Why?"

"Because I still need my letter of acceptance approved." you said, your eyes looking up at the clear sky. No clouds in sight, just a flock of birds flying over your head. You whistled at the sight. Megumi didn't know how to reply to that. He awkwardly shifted on his feet and leaned on his dorm doorframe. You sensed the tension and playfully smirked. "Tongue-tied?"

"Do you really want to be a sorcerer?" Megumi asked, under his breath. Your smirk dropped into a serious gaze, your eyes still glued to the clear sky.

"More than anything."

𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 '𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋, y. itadoriWhere stories live. Discover now