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It was The Day that Mitsuri had to look for a groom.

June 1st, 1989

Mitsuri wakes up with a long yawn from not sleeping the best.''I was up half of the nigh- TODAY I GET TO CHOOSE A GROOM!" she shouted. Running out of bed and down stairs to Ubayashiki sama. "Ubayashiki sama, Today is it.  ''Oh such good news'' he said with a smile. ''Ubayashiki''. As Ubayashiki turned his head realizing who it was, ''Oh. Good morning Young Kanao, Aoi.'' Aoi Looked at kanao with a pout. ''I hope she knows..'' she mumbled.

Mitsuri put on a nice flowing white dress and a flower crown hand made from kanao. As mitsuri Ran through the halls and busted through the doors she thought to herself. "I am curious. whats past the barrier?''. Mitsuri Slowly went towards the barrier until some one , some boy called out to her. ''Kanroji!''. By her suprise it was Iguro. She stumbled her words. '' I-iguro San?!", he blushed, he grabbed her hand and took her to a small creek. ''Kanroji. he said as he put a flower in her hair, I-I was wondering If yo-''. They stopped  after hearing a loud Thud noise, They both ran to the barrier not only to see a girl...A demon.

"Some live in heaven but Some got  sent to Hell. The Barrier is there to block any demons from entering.  and mostly  Kibutsuji. Lets just say after he was sent to Hell he always craved the attention and power. They also keep a barrier there to prevent wars, and the number one rule is to never talk with a demon or have any contact with one'' Giyuu said. Coming from the inside to see the loud noise. ''We most get going to choose your groom Kanroji'' He says showing less to no expression. 

''As a few hours went by her ideas of seeing that demon girl grew, so she proceeded to go with her thoughts. Mitsuri went to the barrier to no suprise still seeing the girl but just sitting there humming. '' H-he-hey'' she said with a soft voice. The demon girl turned around, but said nothing but just smiled. she was wearing a long black dress , she had beautiful purple hair but she looked dead inside by the color of her eyes. Mitsuri blushed out of embarassment. ''Shinobu. Shinobu Kocho.'' ''M-Mitsuri. Kanroji Mitsuri''. Shinobu smiled as Mitsuri hid her blushing face. Mitsuri Thought, ''She is kinda cute'' as she blsuhed so bad. Shinobu looked at her and smiled, '' I have always wondered what heaven is like and who ubayashiki is..'' she said with a sigh. Mitsuri thought ''what to say- what to say?!" and out of no were she said loudly, ''CROSS OVER!'' Shinobu was shocked but kept her smile. ''I see you dont know the rules Kanroji..'' she said. ''W-We can be quite and not tell anyone'' she said with a smile and a blush full face. Mitsuri grabbed shinobu's arm and pulled her across the barrier cause a strong gush of wind but they managed to do it.

Mitsuri shows shinobu that creeks, ponds, fields, flowwer, and great fruits in heaven. '' Here'' she picks shinobu up and on her shoulders. Shinobu's eye's shine ''I never seen such beauty and wonder'' Mitsuri smiles and and says'' I have. she is on my shoulders right now''. Shinobu was confused at first but when she realized what she ment she was so flattered and dug her head into her the crook of her neck and sighs.

6 days later Iguro, giyuu, aoi, and kanao got suspicous and followed mitsuri one day and were in shock and iguro grew with anger as he rushed towards the demon girl sleeping on her lap. he grabs her by the collar of her dress and starts to lecture the demon. "a demon! , what do you want from her?!...or Ubayashiki..Are you planning something?!'' he shouts. She tried to hold her anger but to mention kibutsuji's brother lit a fuse and she attacked him...When Mitsuri Saw she was frighten..Disgusted, Wh-Why would you do this shinobu..?.

After the Incident she was sent back across the barrier and mitsuri was now banished  from going near the barrier but this didnt stop the  Love they had for each other..Mitsuri promised when they meet again she will take her as her wife and live happily and a even life.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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