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[And now your song is on repeat
And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone, I feel incomplete
So if you want the truth
I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio

Will you hold me tight and not let go?]

Third person POV

Ah, you close your eyes and put down the mug. The hot chocolate is still too hot. Your lips might or might not have got burned.

Sighing, you unlock your phone.
There's a lot of notifications.
A certain message notification catch your eyes. You smile. Pressing on it, you continue to blow on the milk that is now in your hand. The smile in your lips never falter.

|Chocolate Frog|

( both chat often..)

¹⠘⁰⁹ ᵃᵐ

No, I didn't ←
lemme go ask now ←
Wish me luck •ㅅ• ←

→ Pfft, yeah of course :3

²⠘¹⁸ ᵃᵐ

→ I'm bored ^-^
→ Already sleeping?
→ Nevermind
→ sweet dreams (:


These days you only think of me when you're bored *-*←
I see how it is ←

→ whoa
→why'd you even think that??

I was kidding... ←
You're so endearing~ ←

→ I know -ㅡ-

The mug is now empty and your smile is still there, in the corner of your lips. Just how fast time goes, you wonder. The fact that you're leaving, leaving this house this city, the people, everything; still didn't register fully in you. Those days from 3 years ago feel like yesterday.
When your dream came true.. Your only dream that was to go somewhere else, to study anywhere away from home - came true.
The anticipation, the excitement, and finally this house, this city, that was beyond your expectations..

As it was a somewhat busy apartment with no kids or young people, the rooftop barely had visitors. It became your safe place. You'd go and walk all over the place and talk to yourself.

Slowly, the rooftop felt like home, even more than your single apartment downstairs. At a point, you cleaned a portion, put plants and pillows and used to sit there to read books. Sometimes, you'd just listen to songs and cry all by yourself. As a socially inept person this was what happiness and comfort pictured in your life.

You remember the day, probably one and half years ago..
You were lying down on that corner, facing the clouds. Then you saw him, no you heard him. He was climbing the stairs cheerfully and when he appeared, you found a baby face. You were so surprised by the softness of this stranger that you didn't notice you were looking his way too long to be considered decent. Being ashamed, you looked away.
Suddenly you didn't know what to do. Gosh so awkward, you thought to yourself.

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