You're Mine

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It's Valentine's Day and everyone has their chocolate prepared. All the younger giving their senior sweet, and others taking their crushes to a hidden tree in the school courtyard to confess. Some were accepted and some were not. It was a very busy day for the popular outgoing Chinese girl Yuqi. It was honestly an unfortunate day for her. For as she has to reject all the boys and girls that came to confess. Yuqi still accepts their treat and lets them know she'll treasure it when the other person persists in her still taking it after the rejection.

Yuqi is walking away after rejecting the third person this morning. Taking their homemade chocolate cookie with her. When she turns the corner she overhears a familiar voice apologizing. Yuqi then realizes it's the other popular girl, Soojin, who is rejecting a student. Yuqi stopped in her tracks as she didn't want to walk in and have the person feel embarrassed for having their rejection heard. Yuqi chill against the wall, looking at the sky. A few seconds later Soojin turns the corner to see Yuqi gazing at the sky. Yuqi pushes off the wall to greet Soojin with a smile.

"Hey Soojin, another one?" Soojin nodded.

"Yes, I'm just glad they're all private. I would feel too pressure to say yes in public. I'm guessing you too?" Soojin asks as she looks at the cookie Yuqi is holding.

"Yup, hey, let's just chill here until the bell rings. I don't think I can do another rejection this early."

"You read my mind."

Soojin was prepared to sit down on the grass when Yuqi stopped her. Yuqi took off her known red light jacket and spread it on the ground. Smiling, she gestures to Soojin to sit, showing a hand to help her. Soojin shyly smiles and gives a thank you and she takes Yuqi's hand to sit down. They sit in silence, gazing at the cloud. Occasionally making comments on the shape or the birds that fly over.

It isn't very well known that the two popular girls are friends. As Soojin's personality is opposite to Yuqi's. They don't know that the two girls bonded overtime with the common problem of being popular. Running into each other at a hidden corner of the school, the back library no one ever goes to, the unfinished stairwell by the pool building, and the place they are at now.

"Yuqi." Soojin's soft voice is just above a whisper.

Yuqi looks at Soojin who is still looking up at the sky, she waits patiently for Soojin to continue. Yuqi admires the older girl's face, how her eyes resemble a fox accompanied by her famous eye mole, how soft her cheek looks, her cute round nose. Finally, her eyes drop to Soojin pink plum lip, Yuqi gulps before ripping her eyes away.

"Have you ever confessed?" Soojin finally speaks again.

Yuqi blinks in surprise, recovering, she gazes back at the sky again.

"Yes." Now Soojin looks at Yuqi. "It was back in China, I was also popular there. I had a lot of fans and there was this one girl that caught my eyes. I started talking to her and she became a part of my circle. One day I got the courage and I confessed to her behind the school. The first time I ever confess"

Soojin kept staring at Yuqi, noticing a sad smile on her face. Believing that this puppy beside her got rejected. Reaching to pat Yuqi's hair to comfort her.

"I'm sorry you got rejected on the first-"

"No, she accepted it." Soojin retracts her hand and looks at Yuqi in confusion who also looks back in confusion.

"Then why do you look upset?"

"Because I was remembering what happened after." Keeping her eye ahead at the tree in front of her as she let her memories play before her. "I was so happy thinking she liked me back. There were a lot of red flags but I ignored them. How she has always been disinterested in affection in private but in public, she always accepts my affection. She never wanted to go out or go over to my house. Then one day she suddenly went up to me and wanted to break up."

You're Mine (SooQi)Where stories live. Discover now