cruel summer

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it was summer. the couple was out of school. y/n and finn spent every waking moment together. every night y/n would sneak out her window, where finn would be waiting for her below. the couple then would go to the gated garden that was by her house. they would usually just spend the night there till the sun rose, taking in each other's presence with comfortable silence.

and they both loved each other, but neither of them knew how the other felt. they never told each
other before.

so, tonight they did the usual routine. they laid in the garden. y/n's head on finn's chest. finn picking the petals off of a rose. then placing the petals onto y/n's hair. he always did this because he loved the way she looked. perfect. and as for y/n, she didn't mind. it brought her a sense of peace and comfort.

the girl planned on telling finn how she felt tonight. they spent all of summer together so she grew to love the curly haired boy. so with all her grace she blurted out three little words.

"i love you." y/n said.
i mean how couldn't she? she loved everything about him. the way he made her feel. they way he cares. and the way they can just sit in silence together. or the way finn never judged her.

but he just grinned at the girl. he grinned because it was not supposed to go like this. grinned because he realized that the girl was foolish to ever love someone like him.

and finn knew that he loved the girl as well. but he knew he would just hurt her. he didn't believe he was deserving of y/n. he believed that she needed someone who wasn't like him. that is why he spent all summer with her because he planned to make it his last moments with her. as for he didn't want her to grow to love him as well. she shouldn't, all he would do is hurt her. but that's exactly what happened. she loved him.

he adjusted his posture and stood up , y/n's head coming off his chest & the petals falling from her hair in the process. as for she stood up as well. she faced him and held his hands.

"what?" he said

the girl placed a nervous smile on her lips. she thought that he was just caught off guard and didn't hear her the first time around. so she said it again.

"i love you finn."

those three words, to him were the worst thing finn has ever heard come out of y/n's mouth. and that was surprising for as over the summer she had shared all her deepest and darkest secrets of all the bad things she's done.

"you can't love me y/n. i'm not good for you."

the girls heart shattered.

"what are you talking about? you don't understand how-" the girl said with tears forming in her eyes.

finn now knew that he truly had y/n's heart in his hands. and that scared him. because yes, they were a couple but he never knew y/n felt the same way he does so he said his next words.

"no y/n, you don't understand. i don't love you."
it broke his heart to say this because all he wanted to do was tell y/n that he loved her too. but he believed that when you love someone you do anything for them. that includes leaving them because you know you're not healthy for them.

so with that, finn let go of y/n's hands. walked away and left. he left y/n at the garden that they always snuck into. left her at the garden where many memories were made together. where they first kissed. he left y/n thinking that it was him & her together, always.

y/n didn't know what to do other than lay in the spot that her and the boy she loves were perviously laying. so there she was, without finn. just her & her now shattered heart. she hadn't fully processed what just happened, but when she finally did. the girl sobbed. she spent some time in the garden just reminiscing the times her and finn had. but she decided to go back home as for she did not want to spend more time in the garden that filled her head of memories of the boy she loves.

sneaking back into her window was harder than usual, as for finn was always there to help her. but she was still successful. she went directly to her bed and laid down, she had dried tears on her cheeks and she fell into a slumber. she was emotionally exhausted.

as for finn, he was home as well. laying in bed crying. his planned time with y/n was cut short. he couldn't blame the girl because he was the one who left the girl thinking he didn't love her.

so the both of them decided that they would never step foot into that garden again.

it would only ever remind them of a cruel summer.

um hi?? this was my first imagine that i ever wrote so sorry if it sucks lol. anyways, thank you for reading. ily <33

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