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Ellie's POV:
It's my first day at Ackley Bridge College. I don't know what I'm feeling if I'm honest..I feel excited but nervous. I don't know how today is going to be, which scares me a little. On my first day at my old school, I got into a huge fight, which already ruined my reputation, so I had nothing to lose. I became one of those girls that never showed up to class, who didn't care about anything. But I want to change that. I'm in sixth form now. I want to go to university, get a job, but to get that, I need to put in the effort.

I climb out of my bed, feeling a little light-headed. I make my way over to my wardrobe and pick out my uniform. After I get changed, I style my long, brown hair into two tight braids. I do my makeup, make my breakfast and spot a note on the fridge. Its from my mum.
Morning Ellie :) I went for my job interview. Sorry I couldn't take you to school on your first day :( I'll make it up to you and we'll get a takeaway after school, I promise xxx
I smile at the note, and place it on the table. I quickly eat my toast and leave the house, on my way to start a new life.

At the gate, I am greeted by a tall, blonde lady, wearing a bright red blazer and a tight black skirt. "Hello! You must be Ellie Fisher?" she said, with a bright smile on her face.
"Yes, yes I am," I replied.
"Great! I'm Miss Carter, the headmistress. Would you like to follow me to my office? I'll give you your timetable and get you all sorted."
"Okay," I said to her. I followed her into my new school, looking around the place. I've gotta give it to them, this place looks alot better than my old  school. Miss Carter opened a door, gesturing for me to enter. I walked in and took a seat opposite her.
"OK so I know that you haven't had the best reputation at your old school-"
I cut her off by saying, "I know...but I want to change that," adding a weak at the end.
"That brilliant! At Ackley Bridge College we encourage good behaviour, and I'm so glad you're willing to change," she told me, smiling. She handed me a piece of paper and my planner. "This is your timetable. You have Science first period on a Monday usually, but I would like you to have a tour of the school first."
"Okay! That sounds brilliant, thank you," I said.
"No problem, were just going to wait until your tour guide arrives," she told me, looking around her office.

We wait for a few minutes until a tall, brown haired boy walks in, wearing the sixth form uniform. "Morning, miss," he   stated, looking at me. "You must be Ellie?"
"Yeah...yeah I am," I whispered. I haven't been at this school for ten minutes and already I met an extremely handsome boy.
"Where's Alya?" asked Miss Carter.
"She isn't feeling too great today, threw up whilst eating breakfast, miss," the boy mumbled.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she gets better soon."
"Thanks, miss," he whispered.
"Anyway, Ellie," Miss Carter began to say, "This is Riz Nawaz, the son if our school sponsor. He will be your tour guid for today."
"Hi, Riz," I said to him, looking into his gorgeous, hazel eyes.
"Hey," he replied, his smile lighting up the room. "So, this is Miss Carter's office."
"Wow, I totally didn't know that," I stated, sarcastically. We both giggled as Riz opened the door.
"Shall we?" he asked.
"We shall," I replied, waving bye to Miss Carter.

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