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I got to his best friends house. He led me down to the basement where I knew the one I actually wanted to see would be there. I walked down the steps and turned my head. There he was, blonde hair blue eyes, tall, god I felt as if I was gonna faint. My bestfriend was also there, Marla. Marla and Jake, the best friend, were cuddling together. Me and the blondie, Noah, were so awkward. We just sat on different ends of the couch for about 10 minutes before Jake got up and told Noah and I to get our asses up. We stood up and looked at each other, he told us to stop being pussies and to cuddle already and that we are so awkward for no reason. He turned his head back around and headed back to Marla. Noah and I looked at each other in shock but we smiled. He sat down and I laid on him as we all watched Frozen. Jake and Marla had fallen asleep on each other, I tapped Noah and pointed to them, we laughed. As we were watching the movie for about 10 minutes after I could tell Noah has had his eyes on me. I turned and looked at him, he gave me a look he has never given before. He grabbed me by my neck and kissed me. After we just looked at each other and smiled. He stood up and grabbed me to go with him. He brought me to the basement bathroom which had everything in it. We stepped in and he closed the door and locked it. I could feel every part of my body throbbing. He turned on the shower and violently pinned me to the wall. He took off my shirt and his own. We just took off different clothing pieces one by one. We got into the shower and he was kissing me all over. He started with my lips, made it down to my neck, then my stomach. Now I could really feel my heart pounding. He stopped for a minute and looked up at me and asked if I wanted to do this. I agreed to it as he continued. He sat me on this ledge of the shower and put his hand on my neck and made out with me so hard. He looked at me and told me to take a breath. I closed my eyes as he slowly put it in. Every minute he made sure I was okay. He kept going with it, harder and harder. I moaned so loud I think Jake and Marla might of woke up. He then just had one hand on my neck and the other over my mouth because I couldn't control myself. He went harder and harder until he slowed down just to torture me. He looked at me and smirked, he went very slow as we made out in the shower. We stopped so that we could check on Jake and Marla to see if they were awake. But first, we just laid on the shower floor and calmed down as we were breathing so heavily. We put on some clothes and peaked out the bathroom. We saw Jake and Marla still sound asleep. You can guess what that means. We gave each other the look and we repeated what we did last time. except we decided to run upstairs instead. Jake's parents weren't home so he started undressing me on the way up to the bed. We got to the kitchen counter and he lifted me up on the counter. He slid my pants down and threw them, we were running to the master bedroom. We opened the doors and hopped on the bed. He took the rest of my clothes off faster than ever. He put me on the bottom as he was on top. He violently spread my legs apart as his hands were than on my inner thighs. He ate me out like I was last nights dinner. He knew I was gonna moan but at this point he didn't care. He had one hand on the very inner of my thigh to keep my legs from closing and the other hand on my neck once again. I could feel the rush, I kept trying to close my legs because it felt so good. He released his hand from my neck and put one hand on each inner thigh. Now I was not going anywhere. After about 20 minutes of that we switched, he was now on the bottom. After I ate him up I looked at him and slowly threw myself on top of him. We finished about after an hour. We laid under the covers after, still on top of each other. We just laughed as we were still looking at each other. We both grabbed our phones realizing we had a bunch of texts from Jake and Marla. We quickly grabbed our clothes that were frankly all over the house and fixed the bed. We headed back to the basement looking so messy. We turned the corner and we see Jake and Marla still in the same spot just looking at us. Jake and Marla looked at each other and smirked. They proceeded to ask if we did what they think we did. Noah and I just looked at each other and smirked. We cuddled back on the couch and Jake put on another movie. I decided to take a shower thought because I felt disgusting. I got into the shower and just as I was putting in conditioner the door opens. Noah enters, looks at me, closes the door, and locks it. He asks if he can take a shower with me. Before I could even respond he already has his shirt off so why not.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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