love at first sight

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Knight was walking home after a long day a work. He sighed, and unlocked his door. He stopped for a moment to dust off his shoes before proceeding to walk in.

Knight was a lone lonely loner. And didn't have any friends but shimboy. Shimboy always told knight that he should go find love or friends. But knight said that it was hopeless...

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Morning came quickly as knight got ready for the day. Today was his day off and he was craving some eggs and bacon. He grabbed his bag and left the house. His destination was the cafe that had just opened, they had good ratings so he decided to give it a try.

Once he arrived he saw a beautiful wonder come to him to bring him to his table.

"Follow me, sir" is what the beautiful man said, his voice smooth like silk.

He followed the cute waiter and sat at his table. Grabbed a menu, but couldn't keep his eyes off the waiter. Eventually the waiter came back to take his order.

"Hello there! My name is shitpaul, what would you like to order?" His voice so captivating it almost put knight in an everlasting wonderland.

"I-I'll have the breakfast meal..." Knight barley managed to stutter out, still captivated by the waiters beauty.

"Alrighty coming right up!" He replied, in his ever so handsome voice.

Knight saw that the waiter had accidentally dropped their phone, and it had no password! He went into the contacts and made one for him, then put the phone back.

Knight then finished his meal and hurried home to go text the waiter.

To be continued ➡️

knight x shitpaulWhere stories live. Discover now