Chapter one

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I fixed my badge and looked up as the nurse yelled out,"Smile!" I quickly opened my mouth as the camera flashes as a bright light hit my eyes. I sat on the stool where I took my picture and behind me was a gray curtain behind me covering up their blue wall. "Good! Let's Get you set up in a chair, and the orthodontist will look at your teeth in a few minutes!" She said as she shook the photo and hung it up on the wall. The nurse showed me the dentists chair. "Hi, Raina! I'm Dr.Dragoni." A voice yelled out as it approached me. "Hi..." I responded quietly. "So, You're in sixth grade? Where do you go to school?" He asked while putting tools in my mouth. "Hjkmp Tss..." I responded with my mouth filled with pain. After the dentist checked my teeth, I exited his office as my Mom, Will, and Amara were waiting for me in the waiting room. I approached my mom as we were exiting the building. "I still don't see why I need Braces,Mom. My teeth look okay to ME!" I said hesitantly. My mom listened but didn't respond because Will was still in the waiting room she turned around and said,"C'mon,Will." We entered our truck and my mom finally responded and said,"You have an overbite,honey. It's something that can cause problems later if you don't get it fixed." She buckled Wills seatbelt straps on his carseat. "Oh." I murmured with a worried face. My sister Amara finally popped her blonde hair head out and yelled,"YOURE GONNA BE A METAL-MOUTH!!" I covered my ears with my hands as I heard it Echo and Echo in my ear as it finally vanished. "Amara,Please don't tease her..." My mom said looking back at Amara. Mom finally parked at my Girl Scouts Club and told me,"Have a Good Time at your Scout meeting,Okay?" She looked at me as I was half way out the car. I looked back at her and responded." 'Kay Thanks,Mom." I slammed the door as I walked inside of Girl Scouts."You're getting braces, too? It's not that bad." Jenny bragged. "You can't chew popcorn...or apples...or carrots. or gum. or taffy. or caramel. or..." She continued. While Jenny was blabbing her mouth I was thinking to myself. Maybe that means I'll stop chewing my NAILS, too!! I thought while looking at my nails. An hour later:"...and at our next meeting, we'll be making Easter baskets! See you then!" Jill, the troop leader said. Kelli yelled out,"Bye!" While waving goodbye with one hand up and one hand in her pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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