Chapter 21 - Family First Impression

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Dorothea had ordered Jasper to wait for her outside first seeing as everyone's cars were already parked outside but she knew Jasper's scent was attached to her like gum because at the very moment she stepped into the house, she was attacked with various questions from the men and another round of squealing from the women.

It felt like deja vu for the girl. "Calm down please, everyone. I'll explain everything Edward." Her wording becomes deaf to their ears as they were busy bickering with each other because of the complex reaction given.

Sensing that his partner is frustrated with the commotion happening inside the house, Jasper let out calming energy towards her from behind the door before Dorothea lashes out at her family members.

Having felt a similar wave of calmness, Dorothea let out a gratified sigh before expressing herself again but this time elevating her voice to gain the wanted attention. "Please! Settle down, people!"

Everyone went dumb, not used to their youngest yelling at them, it was awkward at first with everyone just glancing at each other not knowing what to do. Dorothea spoke up again but this time her tone was filled with nervousness as she becomes a shuttering mess. "Firstly. I should apologize to Esme for reaching home late. You must be concerned, I'm so sorry." / "Oh, no need to dear. As long as you are back safe and sound. I'm glad."

"Right. T-Then the other thing is... Ah, how do I say this? Um, J-Jasper is here," Alice and Roselie went on a squealing spree while hopping up and down holding into each other hands while Edward and Emmet look like their world went tumbling down at that very moment.

Dorothea ignores the four and the smirking Denalis to look at her ' parents', seeing Carlisle's stern look bothered her but Esme gave her a supporting smile while smoothing down her man. "Bring him in. I think we should talk."


"No, Carlisle's right. We should talk to him." / "Just the guys.Emmet and Edward chopped Dorothea's speech quickly agreeing with their leader on meeting Jasper and Dorothea immediately knew this isn't going to end well. Meanwhile, Jasper who was eavesdropping took in a harsh inhale due to the nervousness of feeling their emotions.

Dorothea groaned, turning her eyes at the others for help which Tanya was quick to understand her s.o.s. "Regretfully boys, you are under my roof. So my rules and one of the rules state no fighting."

"Fine, then we will do it outside" Dorothea panicked seeing Emmet take a big step closer to the door, trying her best to hold onto his arm but that was useless since Emmet was strong, he basically dragged the girl with him outside.

Jasper took a step back away from the house already knowing this was going to turn into warfare, might as well get ready. Seeing everyone walking outside behind Emmet who took the lead. Jasper spotted his old friends, Alice and Dean who cheerfully greeted him wildly with a grin and a wave.

"Thea, stand back. I'm just examining him. If this man can undoubtedly be beaten up then he is not for you, honey." Dorothea hurriedly called Roselia for help, Emmet's words were scaring her, but the girl was clearly enjoying the drama to care what her lover was doing.

Now inquiring for help from Edward who took a closer step at Emmet. Feeling relieved that maybe Edward was on her side for this but that also demonstrated helplessness, "You're going to get hurt, sis. Just stay back," instead, he pushes Dorothea away from Emmet and towards Kate who was closer. 

Dorothea let out a frustrated groan at her sibling making Kate let out an amused chuckle at her reaction. Knowing that she was just draining her energy, she stomps her feet to show how frenetic she was before sulking on the ground between Tanya and Alice's feet.

When she notices Carlisle leading into the fight ring that Emmet made Dorothea let out a puff for being neglected.

"Um, hi?"Jasper spoke up finally, knowing that he was on his own for this. It has been a while since someone challenge him, but he knew it might not be as easy as before. Knowing that the vampire before him has their unique capability and strength as informed by Dorothea.

"Yeah hi, whatever. You see this circle here, if you step out of this line don't even dare to think about breathing too close to my little sister." Edward said while he sees Emmet throwing away the stick he used to draw the huge circle around the males.

Emmet spoke next standing between his brother and father while scowling at the opposite side who stood Jasper with a very disoriented look while he keeps glancing at the pouty Dorothea with a chuckle. "Dean! You're joining in or not?"

Dean flinch, he let out a nervous chuckle as eyes were on him now, "Um, you see. J-Jasper is a bit-" But Emmet's voice overpowered over his, "Get in here!" Dean let out a whine acknowledging he also had no choice but to join the fight, giving Alice a quick peck before jogging his way inside the circle. "Just a quick um fact-?"

While Dean spoke Emmet had already rushed off to attack Jasper head-on, seeing as he was distracted by Dorothea's state, Emmet plans to tackle the man down and throw him out the line but the plan backfires when Jasper tucks down to kick his leg instead, making Emmet himself fall on the ground harshly.

Emmet let out an annoyed growl as he lifts his face off the ground, with a blink of an eye he is already on his feet to advance again but Jasper had the upper hand by dodging his attack instead, again making Emmet fall himself outside the line due to his unstable position.

"-Jasper trains newborns in the past..." Emmet punches his hands on the ground making them shake a little due to his strength and anger. "Why didn't you say earlier, you dimwit!" / "Well your the one who rushes out first, excuse you!"

The Denali had full concentration on the battle, now knowing Jasper is a powerful opponent while Roselia and Esme tease a flush Dorothea for finding such a man.

Edward and Carlisle shared a look knowing they had to work together to take Jasper down so with a nod from their head they took off sprinting toward Jasper, leaving behind an anxious Dean. "Are we really, like seriously fighting him?!"

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