Chapter 24

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The Cullens had moved back to Forks Washington two years ago and started attending the Forks high school and Carlisle operating at their local hospital, everything was normal and just plain boring as nothing ever seem to be occurring to them yet just a few warning growls from wolves whenever they set foot into the woods, hunting wild animals.

Today is just another day for them in their house.

Carlisle is running through his paperwork on the kitchen counter and beside him is his wife, Esme going through her beloved magazines, sometimes making small talk with her husband. Edward performs on the grand piano with his eyes close, just focusing on the music while Emmet and Rosalie dance to the melody.

Dean is currently outside, fixing an old car he found in the junk while his mate Alice was indoors replacing a few of the dead flowers she noticed. Dorothea can be seen laying her head on Jasper's lap while resting her eyes due to the tiredness of practicing on improving her abilities.

Ever since Jasper re-welcomes himself into her life, he started helping her control her power and teaching her how to overpower them. Gradually in hopes that she won't be needing to wear her gloves no more. But that's another story, Jasper is currently playing with Dorothea's beautiful red locks while reading softly to the girl the book he was holding, a fantasy romance, Dorothea's favorite genre of book.

Everything was peaceful and serene but that all changed when Alice dropped a vase earning everyone's attention. Dean was swift to be by her side holding onto her hand while questioning her what was wrong or if was it her reaction to another vision.

Alice had ignored Dean briefly to look at Edward, nothing came out of each other eyes as they silently read their minds. Edward had stomped off not happy about something he had seen, granting the rest of the members confusion.

Dorothea slowly sat up, placing herself on Jasper's lap while planting her chin on his shoulder so that she could face her family, Jasper doesn't seem to be faced at all by the confusion in the house as his mate spoke, "She's in town. She seems... Nice?"

"What do you indicate, child?" Dorothea didn't answer Carlisle's question, permitting Alice to do all the explaining while she drags Jasper into the woods. Jasper didn't question it accepting the pull but once they were out of ear reach he eventually spoke up. "Where are we going, love? Weren't you tired before"

"I am but my curiousness on encountering Isabella is too much? Don't fret, we'll keep a safe distance, remote from the human." Dorothea had revealed Edward's future to Jasper as they never keep secrets from one another, so when the topic did open up, Jasper wasn't pleased with the idea of having a human approaching the family while Dorothea wasn't much delighted too.

However, her interest in seeing how the two relationships are going to work made her forget such emotion.

💪 ('▿') 👊

The two had appeared near the Swan's house already seeing Charlie's car park outside the house and the scent of new blood in the residence. Dorothea had seated herself on the tree branch, dangling her feet in the air while leaning her head on Jasper's leg. 

Standing alongside her right is Jasper, leaning on the tree's trunk with his hands crossed on his chest. They didn't speak anything just savoring Dorothea's childish humming and chuckling about her own thoughts. "Oh, Jas look! Mr Black is here with his son."

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