ome dai faty redit man went o n redy!!!!!! he gato so maed when he coudnet post on r/showerrthoughts because he nevar tok a shoar!!!!!!!!!!! he realised a fxe: taek a shower. hte faty went to the bafroom, took ad poopop (xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd) and tok shower. the fatas elt as if he wes dicentegreadig becuse he haet shower!!!! wen he got out he said "me nevear tek showar!" and elft. he then went of ridt and opsted shower thought: "shower poop (hahahahahhsdhhdhxdhhxdh)" he got only 1 upveot and many donavte!!!! ratio!!!!!! eh got so maed he delete redit and deystrtoy compport!!!!!!!!!!! the end