DaveSport drawings because... I like that?! 👉👈

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I just want to put my drawings in the world and show other people my ideas, because....why not?

The first few pictures will be probably not that good, because they're from 2020 lmao •v•"

I tried to find my own DSaF artstyle.

But here:

Enjoy some c00t or cringe artwork :D

Enjoy some c00t or cringe artwork :D

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I drew this because I was sad about Dsaf 3I never cried in my life so hard ;(It hurts

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I drew this because I was sad about Dsaf 3
I never cried in my life so hard ;(
It hurts....

I drew this because I was sad about Dsaf 3I never cried in my life so hard ;(It hurts

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This was from 2020 and damn...
what is wrong with his neck xD
I ruined it.

I first drew this on my sketchbook in 2020

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I first drew this on my sketchbook in 2020.
That's why the art looks so bad...

Look at this xD

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Look at this xD

This is the end of the bad art. The next pictures will be better.

Gosh, why do I show you this shit x'D
Well, luckily Dsaf is still alive and people still like it.

Thats it for the first page. I'm going to cry now.

See ya :D

💜 DSAF//Art book (some dsaf art because Y E S)💜 Where stories live. Discover now