« thirteen »

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His eyes fluttered open as the gentle November sunlight managed to reach the unfamiliar room. He looked around until it hit him that this wasn't his room. Doyoung scrambled into a sitting position before trying to recall what happened the night before. It all suddenly clicked as he remembered he was at Taeil's house, in his bedroom, on his bed. His pale skin was coated in a gentle pink hue as the memories from the night before started flooding in. They were watching a drama, then he fell asleep, and he... oh. His head was filled with pictures of Taeil carrying him to the bed, him looking like a complete, weak, pathetic idiot as he hugged the elder whilst they were sleeping. He walked around a bit before going to the bathroom and getting fresh. He found a thick cardigan folded up neatly with a sticky note reading 'Don't catch a cold- Taeil'. He wore it gratefully as he felt his arms go stiff due to being exposed to the chilly air. His whole body was instantly flooded by warmth as he inhaled the familiar scent of the elder male.

Walking downstairs, he noticed the serene quality of the kitchen as Kyungmin and Hyejin cooked together. Eunhye was chatting with Taeil as she helped him set up the table. Taera had just followed him downstairs and startled the male as she suddenly tapped his shoulder.

"Morning!" she said sweetly with a smile.

Doyoung returned the smile. "Did you sleep well?" she nodded in response.

"We all slept in late and this was probably the best sleep I got in a while. How about you?"

They walked towards the dining room as they spoke. "I can't remember the last time I slept this well. It felt nice staying over." Taera smiled softly before they were greeted by the rest of the family.

"Finally the sleeping beauties woke up. Did you rest well?" questioned Hyejin, earning a nod from them.

They sat down and had breakfast in peace with a few comments coming from Kyungmin and Hyejin nagging them all for not eating well, especially Doyoung. They asked him if he ate properly, and he just told them he did. Lie. After finishing and clearing up, The four college students sat down in the living room to know each other better. The two females were dying to know more about Doyoung and how he became friends with Taeil. The bunny male was also curious to know more about the girls, how long they'd known each other and more. Shockingly, Eunhye was older than Doyoung by a year since she was a 95 liner and Taera was a 97 liner, making her two years younger than him. They joked around for a little while before Doyoung got a phone call.



Doyoung moved his head away from the phone as he mentally cursed at Johnny.

"You didn't need to yell, idiot."

Taeil immediately recognised the voice and so did the two girls. They stayed quiet as they listened to the bunny male's conversation.

"DIDYOUMAKEANYBABIESYET?" asked the Japanese male.

"Yuta, if I could rip off that red wig of yours I would," said Doyoung as a furious blush spread on his cheeks. Taeil and the girls tried to hold back a laugh as they heard the bunny male argue on the phone.

"Awww, so no babies?" asked Jaehyun.

"No! No babies. Gosh, how many of you are there?" he muttered grumpily.

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