Chapter 1:New Girl

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"Okay Class we have a new student today, y/n here is from Massachusetts,lets make her feel as most welcomed as possible. Do I have any volunteers to show Ms. y/l/n around" Mrs. McCarthy beamed.

In that moment I wanted  to melt away like a  snowman melting on a warm spring day. I have never been more embarrassed in all my life, all eyes on the "new girl". 

Five hands shot up some were smiling and some were blushing. I wasn't expecting this on the first day.

"Alright, Mr. Lawrence you and your friends can show y/n around today" said Mrs. McCarthy.

As I walked close to sit with these boys some of the girls rolled there eyes at me. I wondered  why?

"Hi, I'm Johnny Lawrence and this is Bobby,Tommy, Dutch and Jimmy" Johnny smiled and pointed to each of the boys. Johnny had a really nice smile and it made me have butterflies in my stomach.

"Hi I'm y/n, its really nice of you to show me around this school"

"Anything for you doll" Johnny said with a wink. I let out a small laugh and he blushed. Through the rest of class Johnny was telling me jokes and doodling on my paper. Tommy and Bobby winked at Johnny like it was some type of mind game.  I was totally  clue less and I couldn't stop looking into Johnny's ocean blue eyes. 

"What part of town did you move to y/n" asked Tommy.

"The Hills" I smiled.

"No way, I live there we diffidently need to hang out" Johnny beamed. 

" You can help me unpack" I giggled 

"What time" Johnny asked

"I was just kidding, you don't have to"  "I want to y/n" Johnny said seriously.

"okay, does 6 work"??   "prefect" Johnny smiled. Class went by supper fact i didn't want it to end. "What Class do you have next" Dutch asked. "ohh I have Science".

"you have science with me and lover boy over here" Tommy said and pointed to Johnny. I laughed and Johnny gave Tommy a death stare. "Johnny its okay, your a really sweet guy" I said. Bobby rolled his eyes, but Johnny just froze and blushed.

"y/n I have to get something from my locker I'll be in the class in a sec" said Johnny. "okay"

Johnny meet up with his friends at his locker. "so you got the hots for y/n" Dutch asked with a smirk.

"yes, I do so make sure she doesn't get involved with LaRusso" said Johnny

 "I'm just happy you moved on from Ali" Jimmy beamed. 

"you better hurry, to class Johnny don't want to keep princess waiting" Tommy smirked. 

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