I dont belong here

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Sitting in here makes me feel wonderful, makes me feel welcome and happy for who I am. The sound repeats in my head -  low note to high note but then it stops. But I could still hear the sound of the piano replaying in my head. I was in my own mind until Mr. Zhirkov says my name repeatedly and that's what I start to hear in my head. I open my eyes and Mr. Zhirkov had a very worried look on his face. I apologise and explain what I was thinking. His worried look washes away and turns into a great big smile. Mr. Zhirkov is one of the most talented men I have ever met. He continued to play. As the song finished, He asks me to play the song that I am performing at 'The Grand Piano Contest'.

I begin to play but a beautiful lovely tall blonde girl walks in and I stop playing and stared. Her name is Alexandra and she is also studying to be a pianist. She is asking if she could have an extra session this week to practise for the contest. I have to say something, " Mr. Zhirkov, she can have a shared lesson with me."  I said full of confidence. Mr. Zhirkov was so pleased that I said something because I have filled up all of the spare lessons.

As the lesson came to a finish I walked out happy and excited, I think the excitement was from that I was going to be with Mum tonight and spending some time together on the piano. My Mum name is Mariè she is a famous pianist, She is the person I look up to, I don't get to see her much because she travels alot to perform at contest, She is lucky really because she gets paid to travel the world. I go with her sometimes but I find it hard to miss days of school and I don't like missing my classes with Mr. Zhirkov.

I was standing at the door about to welcome Mum home and already heard her playing the piano, I was even more excited a shiver went down my spine. I ran inside straight to Mum, It was so good to see her, She was still playing because she new thats what made me happy. "Mum, I wanna show you what I have been working on I think its one of my best pieces so far" . The smile on Mums face when the song was about to finish was the moon. She was really proud of me and I could tell because all she wanted was me to be happy and do what I love.

The day has come the day that I get to spend time with Alexandra, Wow this is amazing I cant believe that its me I am actually the luckiest person right now. "Hi Alexandra, I was wondering if we could start writing together not just doing different things in the lesson but we did the same thing." She replied with sweet kind caring voice, "Andriy I was going to ask the same thing, and also I know this is sudden but I cant thinking about you. And was wondering if we could you know" my heart dropped I didn't know what to think or do, A girl likes me all I said was "lets go out!" Alexandra was the happiest person around you could tell because she screamed of excitement and ran straight into the Piano room where Mr. Zhirkov was waiting for us and straight to the piano. " So where should we start?"  She said.

After school I decided that I would walk Alexandra home, She was running around in with her arms open wide like a airplane. We got to her street but I didn’t go right to there house because I knew that Mum would be worried about me so I was in a rush to get home and tell Mum the news.

When I got home Mum wasn't happy she looked upset about something I apologised for being late, But it wasn’t that she upset about something else. “Mum wanna do something like start playing the piano?” Mum is normally always bright and happy and always willing to the piano. “No darling, I am not really feeling like playing” Something was defiantly wrong and I knew it.

I sat in my room worried about Mum thinking whats going on? I still haven't gone to say Hi to father yet but he always in his office doing something. My father isn't really a piano player he listens to Mum and I play but thats it, he is more into working on planning events or helping the community.  I was thinking of going to talk to Father but I went straight to piano.

I was feeling better and started to forget that Mum was upset, but then Father barged in then the worry of Mum kicked back in. "Hi Father how was your day?"  Father gave me a look a wierd one he didn't respond something was wrong, "Son, your going to war for our country" That explans why Mum is so upset. When my father said something there was no getting out of it, he is a man that is always right and does whats best. My father left the room with out me saying anything leaving me sad and slobby I got off the piano and went straight to Mum I hugged her like it was the end of the world with me crying in her arms, I am risking my life carree and girlfriend for this.

The next day walking to school was the worst thing I was still really upset and angry and didn't know how I was going to tell Mr. Zhirkov. I had to tell him as soon as I can. I missed my first so I could go see him, He was in a lesson but that wasn't stopping me from talking to him. Mr. Zhrikov was so confused and didn't know what to say. Mr. Zhrikov went straight to see my Father Josef and explain that fighting is not his strength, but Father snapped back and yelled "HIS GOING TO WAR AND THATS FINAL, HE STARTS TRAINING TONIGHT!" Mr. Zhrikov walked out feeling terrible just like I was, He new that I didn't want to do it.

I got home and father had all this uniform out for me to wear, "You start tonight son" I was so funstrated and annoying that I was going to do this, I didn't even get to say goodbye to Alexandra or Mr. Zhrikov.

After 2 weeks of intance training it was time it was time for me to be sent of to the front line and began the repelling the Nazis. For a whole I didn't think of much other than my Mum fighting for my country was everything for me as long as everyone was safe but fighting is not my strength, its not where I belong I want to be at home playing my piano. While I was falling a group of people through the bush I came across an old deserted piano he was scared to touch a key, but I did and played the song that Alexandra and I wrote together than I played Mums favourite I was in my own mind again I could gun shots in the distance people screaming and crying. But it wasn't stopping me from playing. I had to continue and find people to stick with I so badly wanted to stand in that same spot for ages but I couldn't.

It was hard work doing something that I was terrible at for 7 years. But I have returned and I am proud that I did it I fighted for my country and everyone around me looks at me different, noticing everything I do and that me feel special. My Mum was so pleased that I was safe same with Mr. Zhrikov who rushed over as soon as I got home and he brang Alexandra. Wow I havnt seen her in so long and she is still as stunning, she gave the biggest kiss I was over the moon and ware it pretty good. We all decied to play the piano and have dinner together and since then everything has been excilent.

Thanks Mum. Thanks Father.



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