Chapter 1 - Friday Night Panic

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Amelia's POV

The pressure is on.

My eyebrows furrow as I focus on finishing off the man's haircut as quickly and precisely as possible. Clumps of shaven hair sneak its way into my shoes, but that is the least of my worries. I'm in a race against the clock, and I'm pretty damn sure I'm going to lose.


I manage to finish up with time to spare. I give my boss Tom a strained smile and wave, as I speed out of the store. I have 15 minutes to get to my job, which is definitely ideal for me; especially because I don't have a damn car. I might as well give up on my career as a hostess. Albeit a short lived one.

I quickly dial my boyfriend's number. He was my only hope at this point, besides the bus that is less reliable than McDonalds ice cream machines. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins, and I shakily placed my phone to my ear. As each ring echoes I grow more and more anxious.

'Hey! You've re-'

"God damnit Brandon," I sigh disappointed. I would be lying if I said that this is a shocker, I really wonder why he has a phone to begin with. 

But I can't blame him, he's probably swamped in assignments and readings. He's working his ass off to follow his dream, while I'm here with no real goals or aspirations. Working dead-end jobs just to pay rent.

I silently curse Ivy for getting the cold, while cursing myself for offering to cover her shift. Despite the inconvenience I still needed the money. Time to use what mother nature gave me, and walk my ass to the restaurant.


I shouldn't have picked up the shift.

I got to work late but I was let off the hook. Thanks to Holly who was managing today. It would've been a whole different story if Hank were in.

Working Friday nights seem to make lunch rushes look peaceful. I was only three hours into my shift, but I would kill to sit down, even just for a second. 

I close the door to the kitchen behind me, huffing out a breath as the scraping of pots and frantic footsteps fade into the background. 

I weave my way to the front of the store, placing on an overly sweet smile. The soft sounds of jazz music follow behind me, and the clashing smells of the food overwhelm me. My ears embrace the buzz of dinner conversations. It was strangely comforting. 

I finally reach the entrance and don my customer service voice ready to greet the two men .

"Welcome to David's B-" I almost choke on my words as I'm abruptly cut off by one of the men.

"Reservation for Kento." he interrupts. 

His tone indicates that he is ... a mega douche, but his actions also suggest that. I know he's 10 times richer than me but he couldn't have let me get out that last syllable. 

"Right. Just give me a second please," I respond in a neutral tone. An attempt at staying professional. Besides, I've had my fair share of experiences with rude customers, and he is nowhere near the worst.

Quickly I type his name into the computer and find their table.

"Plea-" looking up I expect to meet the eyes of the two men. But I'm met with vacant spaces. 

How could I possibly lose track of two grown men?

Where the hell did they go?

I turn quickly, my eyes scanning the restaurant. It doesn't take long until my eyes lock on the towering men. 

At least they're heading the right way.

The man who seems to be leading the two has on a white button up and black slacks. I'm guessing his name is Orion Kento based off the reservations list. But it might as well be Queen Elizabeth by the way he's acting all high and mighty.

Trying my best to hide my frustration, I make my way toward the men.

There is still some distance between me and them, but I can see the two are in disagreement over something. 

The slightly shorter of the two's shoulders slump as a sign of defeat and he stops in his tracks.

The man turns, rolling his eyes as he does so. I so badly wish I could do that too. His facial expression changes to a warm and apologetic smile as he meets my face.

He makes his way toward me, the smile on his face unwavering.

It was undeniable that both the men were quite attractive. Come on, I have working eyes. The man approaching me has a more boyish look, wearing the same attire as his friend.

"Hey, sorry about my friend. I think he woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," he explains, offering me yet another sympathetic smile.

"Not a problem, everybody has their bad days," I say, trying my best to remain indifferent. I couldn't really insult the guy, especially not around his friend.

"His seems to happen way too often," he voices, more to himself than to me. Regardless I can't hold in my chuckle at his remark. He smiles at my reaction and continues.

"Wait I never got your name, I'm Nick and my douche of a friend is Orion." he explains.

"I'm Amelia," before we can go any further with pleasantries we reach the table. 

Orion is already seated at the table. His eyes remained glued to his phone, seemingly unfazed by our arrival.

Nick playfully slaps the back of Orion's head as he walks past him, and takes his seat. Which earns him a glare from his friend, and a silent chuckle from me.

Excusing myself I leave to grab them menus.


Returning I can see the friends from a distance, Nick's back faced me but I can see that his shoulders are stiff. His focus placed solely on his friend. 

I turn my focus to Orion, who seems to be just as tense as Nick. His head tilted downward but not to attend to his phone, as it lay next to him untouched. His fingers restlessly traces shapes on the table, and his chest rose and fell sporadically.  

The atmosphere had changed drastically since I left.

My thoughts are interrupted by the whining of the floor next to me as a chair scrapes against it. And it seems like I'm not the only one who notices as Orion snaps his head in my direction.

I see him wince in response to the noise, and I catch a glimpse of his eyes.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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