Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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Chapter 1 – New Beginnings

 “Jacey! Come on you’re going to be late for your first day of school!” Mum yelled from the kitchen

Looking around my room, I couldn’t help but wish I could just stay here for the rest of my life. At least I wouldn’t have to have people stare at me. I walked over to my mirror to one last check of my uniform, I didn’t want to stand out on my first day considering it’s halfway through semester and everyone would have made friends by now. Looking into the mirror I saw my light brown long hair curling around my face reaching my lower back. I studied my uniform, my navy blue skirt resting just above my knees, which were practically shaking. I had to admit, compared to some other uniforms I’ve had to wear this one was okay, the white blouse was comfy and the long navy blue sock were surprisingly comfier than they looked. My eyes finally found their way back to my face where two brown eyes were looking back at me. Brown eyes; usually means nerves. Yep, I sure felt nervous. As you can probably tell already brown eyes mean nerves, blue eyes are sadness; green eyes are happiness, purple are embarrassment, gold eyes I get when I'm angry and silver eyes I get when I'm scared or worried. A lot to take in and the amount of times I’ve had to explain it, well let’s just say I’ve lost count. Sighing I realised that I couldn’t put this off any longer. Time to go to school and face a heap of new people. Great.

“Coming mum, I’ll be right down!” I yelled back grabbing my school bag

Taking the stairs two at a time I reached the kitchen in about 30 seconds, with earned me a weird smile from mum. I put on a fake smile and but I could tell my eyes betrayed me.

“Oh my; sweetie, you look so cute in that uniform! And come on get to the car we don’t want to be late for your first day at your new school do you?” My mum said smiling in delight

I couldn’t help but smile back; she always could lighten the mood.

The car ride to school was pretty quick. Mum thought it would be a good idea to live close to school so I could walk there and back while she had to work. Driving into the car park I started to get nervous again.

 “Jace, you’re going to be fine. I’m sorry I can’t walk you in, but I have to get to my new job. I hope you have a good day and make heaps for friends”

“Thanks mum, have a good day at work” I replied leaning in and hugging her

Taking a big breath as if it would keep my alive for the rest of my life, I exhaled getting out of the car into the morning sun. With a quick wave mum drove off. Taking another big breath I trudged on in the direction of the office. Boy was I glad that this school had signs, because without those I would have been lost in this massive school. Finally arriving at the office, I was greeted by a cheerful receptionist.

“Hey there darlin’, what can I do for you?”

Smiling slightly I answered her awkwardly: “Um, hey. My name is Jacey Smithing and I’m new here”

“Oh! Of course, of course” she suddenly said madly typing away at her computer until the printer buzzed to life. Handing the paper to me she began again: “here’s your schedule and your home room is the third door down on the right, your teacher is Mrs Alistair. Just give her this, have a nice day”

Taking the other piece of paper from the receptionist and nodding curtly I walked from the room, nervous as ever. I guess it was time to meet my new class.

I wasn’t sure whether I should knock or not I figured it would be better to be polite. After a couple of quiet knocks I stepped inside the room. The class was much smaller than I expected, about 25 to 30 students all looked up to see what was going on then went back to their conversations, all but a few. One boy in particular eyes stayed for a moment longer, I smiled sweetly at him and he grinned back. His brown hair fell in front of his crystal blue eyes for a moment until he brushed it away sheepishly. Breaking eye contact with the boy, a girl sat a couple of seats behind eyeing me. Wow, If looks could kill…

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