( Please excuse my spelling errors! ){I'm ageing up Coraline and Wybie to 16}
'hmmmm beep.... wait beep?!' i thought sitting up in my bed.
"Y/n! Get up and eat!" i heard my mother yell from down stairs.I stood up and walked other to my closet to find some clothes to wear. I put my clothes on and headed down stairs grabbing my cassette player and head phones.
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"Your breakfast is served m'lady." my mom said bowing slightly. I laughed and pulled out my chair sitting down. " So mom how the company?" I asked. My mom was clothes designer and lately her store hadn't been getting enough money. My dad passed away when I was little and I have no siblings. " Its getting better ans since schools starting soon we'll definitely get more costumers.Speaking of which I have to get down stairs to the shop!" she said looking down at her watch. "Okay." I sighed. I never get to spend time with her anymore shes always in the shop or making something. Once i finished my breakfast I decided I would walk around. Maybe I would find something interesting. I walked down stairs into the shop to see my mother helping Isabella open the blinds and move the sign that currently read closed to open. " Good morning y/n! Going for a walk?" she asked. " Yeah. I'll be back around noon!" i said. "Ah well you have fun kid." she said waving as I walked out the door pulling my head phones on.
The air was cold. Everyone seemed to just be opening up there stores. I walked down the street looking threw the windows of stores watching the workers go about. Clouds blocked the sun making it colder as i pulled my jacket tighter around myself. I started to walk to the pink palace. I always enjoyed walking around there it seemed to calm me. Once i got there I saw moving trucks and a small blue car parked in front of the house. 'Did someone move in?' 'Is it a family' 'nah it's probably some old couple.' ' or is it?' millions of thoughts came and went threw my mind as i watched the movers bring boxes in and out. I walked around the side of the house to see a girl about my age. She had short blue hair that was parted to the side. Freckles dotted her face. Her yellow rain coat coming down to her knees. She started to walk toward the garden. I followed her as she walked hiding behind different items so she didn't see me. I turned off my cassette player and watched her grab some poison oak. 'tch idiot' I thought as she continued walking down the dirt road.
I hid behind some rocks just above the dirt road. I felt something tickle my hand and looked down. I saw a black cat rubbing its head against my hand and soon realized it was the cat that me and Wybie hang with. "Hey buddy. How you doin'?" I wisperred.( sorry couldn't help myself hehe) " What is she doing now?" i asked tilting my head to the blue haired girl bellow us. He jumped up on the rock looking down.He put his paw down in front only to cause a part of the rock to fall making the blue haired girl look up." Hello?" she said. "Who's there?" i held my finger to my mouth signalling for him to be quiet. What i did not expect was for a rock to come flying over the rocks hitting the cat causing him to meow in pain. I looked up and saw her run.I picked up the cat and followed her. She ran right over to the old well. I looked to my side and saw Wybie on his bike. "What are you doing here?!" i whisper yelled to him causing him to look at me. " I should be asking you the same!" he said. " Stay here." he commanded. I soon noticed the cat wasn't with me. "Ahhhhhhh!!!" I heard form down bellow. The girl looked at the cat her shocked face soon turning into a glare. "You scared me to death you mangy thing!" she said taking off her bag and picking up the poison oak. I held back a laugh as I watched the two. " I'm just looking for an old well.know it?" she asked the cat. The cat only bowed in response. " Not talking huh?" she turned back around and pointed the poison oak to the sky. " magic dowser.. magic dowser show me the well!" I looked at Wybie and smirked him seeming to get my idea he hopped on his bike once more. Soon enough he blew his horn.
The girl gasped as she saw him. He plummeted down toward her as she tried to hit him with the stick. she rolled onto the mud. Wybie stood up on the rock with the cat. Lightning crashed in the background.'if only I brought my camera' i thought.
" Let me guess your from Texas are Utah someplace dried out and Barron right?" he said "I've heard about water witching before from my friend. But it doesn't make sense. I mean its just an ordinary branch." he said moving the branch around. " It's a dowsing rod" she said hitting his arm. "Ow!" Wybie yelped. "And i don't like being stalked not by psycho nerds or there cats!" she yelled tilting her head. 'That's cute..... wait WHAT?!' i thought. "He's not really my cat he's kind of feral. You now wild! Of course I do feed him every night and sometimes he'll come to my window and bring me a little dead things." he said petting the cat. "Ugh... Look I'm from Pontiac." "huh?" she said tilting his head. "Michigan and if I'm a water witch then where's the secret well?' she asked. " You stomp to hard and you'll fall in it." I said with a smirk jumping down from my hiding place. " Oh!" she yelled and jumped back surprised. Wybie soon started moving all the mud as i crouched down next to him. " See." i said as Wybie knocked on it. " It's supposed to be so deep that if you fell to the bottom and looked up." I said using a branch to open the well up. " you'd see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day." I let the well top fall back down and looked at the girl."huh." she said smiling slightly." surprised she let you move in, my grandma, she owns the Pink Palace.won't rent it people with kids."he said crossing his arms.
"What do you mean?" she asked raising an eyebrow. " Ohhh i'm not supposed to talk about it." he said fiddling with his fingers. " Im Wybie, Whybie Lovat and this is my best friend-" "Y/n L/n" I said cutting him off. She shook both of our hands. "Wybie?" she said ooking down at her hand he shook. " Short for Whyborn not my idea of course." he said " What you get saddled with?"
"I didn't get saddled with anything. It's Coraline." she said "Caroline what?" " It's cOraline! Coraline Jones." she said stomping her foot down. " Hm it's not really scientific. But I heard an ordinary name like Caroline can lead people to have ordinary expectations about a person." he said petting the cat. "WYBORN!!!" I heard grandma lovat yell. "I think someones calling you why born." "what i didn't hear anything." he said turning around letting the cat fall upside down. I chuckled and picked him up. " Oh i definitely heard someone Why were you born." she said walking closer to him. I looked back and forth at them as they fought. "WYBORN!!!" I heard a bell ringing in the distance. " Grandama.." he whispered. "heheh well great to meet a Michigan water witch." he said picking up his bike. Coraline tapped the poison oak on her hands annoyed. " But i'd wear gloves next time." "why?" she asked. "because that dowsing rod of yours.. It's poison oak." he said. Coraline yelped and dropped the stick rubbing her hands on her coat. She blew raspberries at him as he rode away. She looked down at the cat as it shock its head and ran after him. I let out a small laugh causing her to turn to me.
"Sorry about him." I said rubbing my neck looking at the shorter girl. " It's fine." she said looking me over. Her eyes met mine and she stared into them. She quickly shock her head and asked is it really as deep as he said?" she asked me. " Why don't we test it?" i said as i tossed a rock to her. She smiled and dropped the rock putting her ear to the whole in the wood covering. She listened for a bit but it soon started to rain after she did. I took my jacket off and put it over her head shielding her from the rain. "I'll walk you home." i said. She stood up and said " no no it's okay you don't need to do that." "But I want too." I said giving her a closed eyed smile. She blushed a bit. 'Wait no... was that my imagination or....' I thought. "Come on lets go." I said tilting my head toward the pink palace.
Once we got to her door step she looked back at me and said " Thank you for walking my back."
"No problem." we stared at each other for a moment. " I should get going. Moms gonna be mad."
"yeah...." she said. I started to walk down the steps. " Wait!" she yelled grabbing my hand.
" Will I see you tomorrow?" she asked. " As you wish." I replied. " See you tomorrow Coraline Jones." I said as i continued to walk home.