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Kyle's pov

  My alarm woke me up at 6:30. I groaned and pulled my covers over my head. It was Friday, which usually was a good thing, but not this time. It was the day before prom and I had no one to go with. Not even as a friend. Stan was of course going with Wendy and Cartman was going with Heidi. Not that I would want to go with Cartman anyway. And as for a date, no one wants to go with the gay jew boy. I had another option, I could still ask Kenny. The only problem with that is that with me being openly gay and Kenny being openly pansexual, people might think we're together.

Kenny's pov

  I had just got to school and was standing by my locker when I heard my name being called. "Kenny!"

  I turned around to see Kyle walking up to me, smiling. God I had such a huge crush on this boy. "Oh, hey Kyle." I returned the smile.

  "So," Kyle began, "I was just wondering if you wanted to go to prom friends."

  My heart skipped a beat, but then I heard him say "as friends." Of course. There's no way someone like Kyle Broflovski would ever go for the poor white trash kid. "I would Kyle, but..." I looked away in embassment, "I can't afford a prom ticket."

  "Dude, don't worry about it, I'll buy your ticket." Kyle smiled.

  "Don't. I don't need anyone doing me any favors." I told him. That just made me feel worse.

  "I invited you Kenny, it's only fair." he told me.

  I mean, I would love to spend time with Kyle. "Okay then. I'll go to prom with you."

  Kyle smiled. "Okay, great! I'll go buy the tickets, see you later!


  It was the next day, prom day. I couldn't afford a new tux so I just borrowed my dad's. It was navy blue and little baggy on me but not too bad. I felt kinda uncomfortable knowing kids at school will see me without my usual orange parka, but I'd like to think I looked decent.

  The doorbell rang and I opened the door to see Kyle . His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.

  "Woah, Kenny...You look pretty hot!" Kyle exclaimed, making me blush furiously, "Sorry, that was kinda weird," he nervously laughed, "You just look really nice."

  "Thanks dude, so do you." I smiled. He was wearing and all black tux and his curly red hair was bouncing on his head, his sparkling green eyes...he was beautiful.

  "Alright, let's go." Kyle turned around and walked to his car and I followed.

  The whole car ride I was just wondering if I should confess to Kyle how I feel about him. I've had a crush on him since we were 13 so almost five years. I don't know if I can keep these feelings to myself much longer. I almost let my secret slip a few different times over the past years but I always managed my way around it.

Kyle's pov

  We were at a stop sign and without making it obvious, I looked Kenny up and down. Sure, Kenny was far from ugly, but I didn't think he could clean up this nice. Kenny looked over at me and I quickly looked away and continued driving. Guess it was kinda obvious that I was checking him out.

  "Kyle, I have a question." Kenny said.

  "Shoot." I told him.

  "Is there any boy at school you have an eye on?" he asked.

  I thought about it for a moment before answering. "No, not necessarily, but I would like to be in a relationship." Kenny didn't say anything so it was my turn to ask him a question. "Why'd you ask? Is there anyone you have an eye on?"

  "No." Kenny quickly said. "Well...I do like someone but...they would never go for me so what's the point?"

  This upset me. "Kenny why would you say that? You're amazing and anybody would be lucky to have you!"

  "Really?" he asked.

  "Totally!" I told him.

  "They're just way too good for me." Kenny sighed.

  "There is no one too good for you. I say, if they're not with anybody tonight, you should tell them how they feel. You never know if you don't try." I reassured him.

Kenny's pov

  Kyle was right, Just gotta go for it sometimes.

  "Okay, I will." I smiled.

To be continued...

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