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scary movie

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scary movie.
the prologue


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CHERRY VALENTINE WAS THE LIGHT OF WOODSBORO. according to every academic that attended the school, you could never upstage cherry, and every man and women that had the pleasure to teach the girl believed she was the student sent from the heavens. The girl was top of her class, she never experienced the terror of a failing grade. Somehow, the daughter of the valentine bloodline was gifted, in both brains and beauty. Cherry was believed to be a gift from the universe to both her family and the town she resided in. Everyone knew her name. Cherry Valentine was thought to be the kindest soul to walk the earth, her heart was never tampered, her soul refused to darken. The girl was the purest of beings and that was the thing that made her special, the heavens trapped in her heart that enveloped the people that welcomed them into their own. 

The people lucky enough to befriend the god creation herself never strayed from her side. Cherry belonged to the people, but her true self resided with her closest friends. Casey Becker was her best friend, the two met in Third Grade in the sandbox within the school playground. Sandbox love never dies. The friendship between them never faltered, as High School came around, the people around them changed but the two never separated. Cherry introduced Casey to another group of teenagers she had met, and slowly the group was formed. However, with the influence of teenager hormones and the opposite gender, came drama and dating. Casey began to date Stu Macher, until the dreaded day came. It seemed sandbox love had an expiration date.

As Casey and Cherry drifted, Cherry ascended up in the hierarchy of modern day High School. First, she was appointed the class president, next came the position of Cheer Captain. Cherry wasn't evil, nor was she High School evil, which was a disease that rotted inside a females body during the peak of School. Being a gift from a god was something the girl had always carried on her shoulders, the expectation to always be perfect, was a weight she had to be burdened with. A task she would fulfil.

As an old flame withered away, a new one burned brighter, and it seemed Woodsboro High School began to create the best memories of the Cherry Valentine's teenage years, all due to her new friends. Every student knew it was common for Cherry and her friends to be seen outside the water fountain, the six of them deep into a debate about the horror genre. It was something of a routine for the group to surrounding a television with popcorn and bags of chips surrounding them as a horror movie played. a timeless tradition for the six.

The school bell pierced through the ears of Cherry as she learnt down and pressed her finger onto the button of the stereo, the cheer music halted. She lifted her bag onto her shoulder and stepped out into the outside of the school, her friends already crowded around the water fountain.

Sidney Prescott, the girl she met first. Sidney was her shoulder to cry on, vice versa. In most cases, Cherry was the shoulder that people learnt to rest on in times of need and crisis, but Sidney was always there for the girl when she needed it. The girl had experienced tragedy in the worst case imaginable, the loss of a family member, as had Cherry. The two girls had lost their mothers, able to experience it together instead of alone. Tatum Riley, Randy Meeks, Stu Macher and Billy Loomis surrounded her brunette friend. Billy drifted from the group, his position shifted away from the group, the spot beside him reserved for the girl.

Cherry spotted how his eyes wondered aimlessly through the group of students that passed by his viewpoint. The corners of his mouth tugged upwards when the two caught each other's eyes.

"Well don't you guys look cute today!" Cherry smiled when she approached the groups.

"What took you so long?" Tatum questioned.

"Casey was hassling me, something about cheer. I didn't really pay attention." The brunette breathed out, sitting down next to Billy.

"You're way too nice Valentine!" Randy spoke, "I would have kicked her off the team by now." He cried out in pain when Stu kicked his shin.

"She's my friend, Randy!" Cherry exclaimed, "I would never hurt her like that."

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