Our Hidden Love Revealed- WooSan

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"Hyung.. we shouldn't.. what if someone sees?" Wooyoung says softly as he and his group mate and boyfriend are walking around the city, hand in hand. Both are wearing hoodies and masks however Wooyoung is still nervous.

"Don't worry Woo. No one will recognize us. And it's been so long since we've had a day off, I wanted to spend it with my amazing boyfriend." San says smiling under his mask as he looks over at the pink haired boy.

"But people could recognize us hyung." The other says with a pout under his mask.

"It will be ok. We are clingy anyways, not like anyone will think any different." San says stopping and looking at wooyoung. "Don't worry so much baby." He says teasingly causing the other to blush under his mask.

"Ok ok. Let's go." He says smiling and the two head to their favorite restaurant.

Every ATINY loves how close San and Wooyoung are, some believe that they are even a couple. They are correct. Ever since their promotions for Wave and Illusion, Wooyoung and San have been dating. However due to the strict rule that idols can't date they have had to keep their relationship a secret from everyone, including the rest of ATEEZ.

Whenever another member asks why they are so clingy they just say that they are best friends, everyone but one person believing them.

Yeosang, having been friends with Wooyoung for 5 years knows him very well. He knows Wooyoung is clingy and loves attention, but the way he acts around San is different. He gets shy when he's with the other.

"Hey hyungs, where Sannie and Wooyoung?" Jongho asks as he walks into the living room where the rest of the members are.

"They went out on a walk." Seonghwa says as he's reading a book.

As the team are preparing for their next comeback, Answer, they have all been exhausted so they are taking advantage of their one day off.

"They seem to be spending a lot of time together recently. I wonder why." Jongho says sitting down next to the eldest and goes on his phone.

Yeosang looks over at them from his chair and sighs. "Guys... I think they might be dating." He says catching the attention of the rest.

"What makes you think that yeosangie?" Hongjoong asks looking at him, brushing some of his newly dyed white hair from his face.

"I've known Wooyoung for five years hyung.. and he's clingy, but it's different with San compared to the rest of us. Also have you noticed that San-ah seems jealous whenever one of us is hugging Wooyoung or the other way around. It's like he doesn't want him to be as close with us." Yeosang explains, running a hand through his brown hair.

"It's possible, they are really close.." yunho says nodding.

"We should ask them when they get back." Mingi pipes in with a grin. The red head has been playing games on his phone while listening to the conversation.

"If they are dating... we all support it right?" Jongho asks looking around at his hyungs.

"Of course we do. We want them to be happy, and we can help them hide it from our managers." Yunho says with a grin.

"Then it's settled. We will ask them when they get home." Seonghwa says with a smile as the others agree.

After a fun day of walking around, shopping and getting lunch the couple arrive back at the dorm. They pull down their hoods and take off their face masks. "That was so fun. Thanks for taking me out Sannie" Wooyoung says with a grin at the older boy.

"Anything for you" San replies with a smile and kisses the other boys cheek, unaware that everyone else is staring at them.

"Ahem." Hongjoong says and the two jump abit.

"Uhh.. Hongjoong hyung.. how was your guys day?" San asks trying to ignore what just happened.

"We all need to talk." Hongjoong says kindly, showing zero anger as he tries to hide his excitement that what they believe is true.

Wooyoung and San sit down on one of the couches and look at the others.

"What's up?" Wooyoung asks, trying not to look nervous.

"I'm gonna ask you guys straight out. Are you guys dating?" Seonghwa asks looking at them. "And before you answer, just know that we all support you and want you guys to be happy." He adds with a smile at the two.

It feels like a weight have been lifted off the couples shoulders as they physically seem to relax. They look at each other as San takes wooyoungs hand in his. "Yeah. We are.." he says, not taking his eyes off of Wooyoung.

The others all smile and congratulate them. "Why didn't you tell us? We are all your friends." Yeosang asks, looking at them.

"We were scared that it might get leaked or that you guys wouldn't approve or that you'd tell the manager or-" Wooyoung starts to ramble.

"Wooyoung. Of course we would approve. And besides, you guys are a bit obvious." Yeosang says, stopping wooyoungs tangent. "We just want you guys to be happy like Seonghwa and Hongjoong." He says before covering his mouth.

Everyone looks shocked, especially the eldest two.

"H-how did you-?" Hongjoong stammers looking at Yeosang.

"I overheard you guys making out in your room the other night..." Yeosang admits looking embarrassed.

"Wait. You guys are dating too?" Mingi says in shock as he looks at his hyungs.

"Yeah.. we have been since "say my name" era.." Seonghwa admits and holds hongjoongs hand.

"We've been together since Wave and Illusion." San says with a smile.

After the shock has been absorbed the group all are talking before yunho stands up with a stretch. "Guys it's getting late. I'm gonna head to bed." He says with a smile.

Everyone agrees that it's a good idea to get some sleep since they have to wake up early the next morning.

Wooyoung and San head to their shared room and after closing the door they look at each other and laugh. "That was so unexpected." San says with a grin.

"Well at least now they know about us and we don't have to hide it from them." Wooyoung says as he gets changed into some sleep clothes.

After the two get changed they fall into their bed and San wraps his arms around wooyoungs waist from behind. "I love you woo." He says and kisses the back of wooyoungs neck causing the other to giggle.

"Sannie that tickles." He says softly and turns to face his boyfriend.

They smile at each other before San starts to kiss Wooyoungs face causing the other to laugh more. "San San San stop..." he whines as San starts to tickle his sides.

"Not until you say you love me." San threatens lightly as he laughs too.

"Never." Wooyoung protests Only to be tickled more until he's out of breath from laughing.

"Will you say you love me? Cause I love you." San says smiling at his boyfriend.

"Ok ok. I love you Sannie." Wooyoung says, smiling brightly.

"Good." San says and pecks his lips as he stares at Wooyoung.

"I'm really glad I met you San.." Wooyoung says softly. "I love you so much." He adds and snuggles closer to the older boy.

"I'm really glad too Woo. Now let's get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." San says with a smile as he pulls Wooyoung closer.

Wooyoung rests his head on Sans' chest. "I love you." He says sleepily, earning a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you too." San says with a smile before the two drift off to sleep. 

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