Starting High School

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Kamila pov

I was sleeping until I heard my alarm clock, right I start school today. I grabbed my uniform and changed.

 I grabbed my uniform and changed

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(What the uniforms look like)

(Also this is what Kamila looks like)

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(Also this is what Kamila looks like)

I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple and ate it. I guess your wondering where my family is, well that's the thing I don't know.

I left my apartment and headed to school.

For as long as I can remember I've been an orphan, I used to live on the streets. Until I was old enough to get a job and could afford an apartment, I was able to learn just enough to attend a high school.

Once I arrived there, the school was big there where cherry blossom along the entrance.

As I walk to class I can feel them watching me, judging me already.

Once I got my schedule I head to class. Once I'm there I pick a sit next to the window. I sit my bag down and wait for class to start.

 I sit my bag down and wait for class to start

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(What bag looks like)

"Hello class I am Mr.Cat" the teacher said as everyone took a sit. "Since today is the first day, we will only be in home room today, to discuss the rules and what is expected at this school" he said.

After That

After everything lunch finally started as I was heading to lunch until I saw two students and someone else, why do they look scared.

"Just leave us alone" the fox said while protecting the bunny. "You know this school used to be great until weaklings like you two came here, so I guess I have to make sure to make it great once again" he said as he grabbed the fox by the throat.

I've had enough of this guy.

I put a shield around the fox and bunny as I stood in front of him.

"Great another weakling" he said I just stared at him. I think were causing a bit of commotion.

"Listen I'm Scrooge the hedgehog and I rule this school so stay out of this" he said as he was going to punch me, but I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my back.

Once he was down I put my shield down and left for lunch. "Cream wait" I heard as the bunny who I'm guessing is Cream. "Um excuse me Miss thank you for helping me and Tails" she said "no problem" I finally said as I went to lunch.

(I will post a much as I can hope you enjoy)

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