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 A/N - Before you read, I would like to say that this story is dedicated to @LBrooks23 as she is my inspiration for writing, and I never would have created this account (or story) had I not met her! I definitely recommend that you check her out as she has several amazing stories! That being said, please enjoy the story!

        "Max! Where did you put my charger?" Julie called out to her little brother. She had torn apart her entire room looking for her charger since her phone was at 10 percent. One of these days, I swear I'll murder that boy. Julie shook her head. As much as Max annoyed her sometimes, she would never hurt him.
        "I saw it on the kitchen counter earlier," Max explained, showing up at her bedroom door. He had his hands behind his back. His brown hair all messy, and his dimples made him look so sweet and innocent.
        "How did my charger get all the way to the kitchen counter?" She questioned, eyeing him, doubtful that he hadn't used it.
        "Maybe a ghost took it to charge it's phone?" Max suggested, looking away from her, clearly guilty. Julie rolled her eyes as she sighed.
        "Could you go get it for me?" She asked Max gently, then added as she saw him start to walk away, "and could you tell the ghost that next time he needs to ask before taking my things?"
        "I can try!" Max smiled as he ran down the hall. Julie chuckled to herself. She started to pick up some of her clothes that she threw onto the floor earlier. About a minute later, Max reappeared at her doorway, clutching her charger in his right hand. He held his hand out to Julie, a smile on his face. "The ghost said it would ask next time!" His eyes beamed.
        Julie took the charger from his hand and patted his head. "Thanks, Maxie, I'm sure the ghost has learned his lesson!" She went over to plug in her charger, sighing with relief as her phone started charging. She moved some brown strands of hair from her face as she sat on her bed. Can't let that go dead!
        "Need anything else?" Max tilted his head as Julie smiled.
        "Nope, you're free to go, buddy!" Max nodded his head and quickly scampered away, probably eager to get back to his toys or video games. Julie opened up her phone and quickly decided to message her friend, Ariana.

        Julie - Today at 6:47 PM- Hey BFF!!
        Ariana - Today at 6:47 PM- Hey, what's up? Julie smiled, glad that she had responded back so quick.
        Julie - Today at 6:48 PM- You wanna come over tomorrow? We can finish the Study guide for Econ?
        Ariana - Today at 6:50 PM- Sure! I just asked my mom and she said she was chill with it! I still can't believe we're about to graduate!!!! So excited!
        Julie - Today at 6:51 PM- Oh man, don't remind me lol!
        Ariana - Today at 6:51 PM- Hahaha! Brb, I gotta eat dinner really quick!
        Julie - Today at 6:52 PM- Oh okay! Enjoy your food!

        Julie set her phone down, looking in her vanity mirror. A 17-year-old brown-haired, Brown-eyed girl stared back at her. I'm a senior... Youngest in my class... People used to pick on her because she was the youngest, but she couldn't control that. In middle school, she had found it unfair and had wished she was the same age as her classmates. Now that didn't matter so much. Cause soon I'll be going to college and be the successful person I know I can be! Julie closed her eyes, soon drifting into a nice nap.

        Julie opened her eyes to her mother in a panic. "What's wrong?" She sat up quickly, rubbing her eyelid. She had gotten about an hour and a half worth of sleep in.
        "Max is missing!" She replied with distress. "I've already called the cops and filed a missing pers- Dad is out there looking for hi-" She couldn't seem to finish her sentences.
        "Mom, calm down, He couldn't have gotten too far!" Julie thought for a minute. "Has Dad checked the park nearby?" Julie knew he loved going to the park to swing on the swings.
        "Dad has checked the entire neighborhood. He's driving all around town now." Julie's mom sat on her bed. "I don't know where he is..." She sat there for a moment, crying. Julie was starting to worry. If Dad hasn't found him near here... He could truly be missing...

That was a month ago. Julie and her parents haven't heard anything from the police, and she and Dad fear he is gone forever, and most likely dead. Mom still refuses to believe that he might be dead... I miss him so much... She walked past his room- the door had been closed since that night. As Julie walked past the door, she had a strange urge to open it. Her hand rested on the doorknob, but she couldn't twist it. She didn't want to look in there.
        But every time she passed by, the urge to open the door grew stronger and stronger, and every time, it would end with her resting her hand on that doorknob, but then leaving it shortly after. She would sigh, then go to her room and lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling.
        If only I had known this would happen... I would have shown him more love... She shook her head, knowing darn well that she couldn't of predicted something like this. She turned over onto her left side, letting out a small sigh as she stared out her bedroom window. The branches from the trees were swaying in the wind, as rain fell from the night sky. Even nature seemed sad that Max had disappeared.
        Ever since Graduation, Julie has hated it in her home. It felt like she was a ghost, walking aimlessly around the halls, and it didn't help now that she no longer had school to distract her. She didn't want to think about how her brother had mysteriously disappeared. She couldn't stand being awake. Every day felt like a blur, and every day she had to lay and listen to her mother cry in the other room. Closing her eyes, she tried to drift into sleep.

 A/N- Hello hello! The point of this prologue was to just introduce the characters a little and set the story! I have many things in store for chapter one! Check back soon as it might get published soon!

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