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Nothing quite said first apartment if you hadn't, at least once, ate leftovers from over a week ago that were questionable at best. Sakura wasn't proud to admit that she was currently eating spaghetti she had made last week. There was no one around to judge her, except for her roommate.

No, roommate was too strong of a word. Free-loader was a better term for the creature that sat across from her, amber eyes staring at her without blinking. Her cat- named Captain by the shelter she had picked him up from- was intensely focused on the noodles on her plate. He was as still as a statue, frozen in time until fed what he was craving in that moment.

It was just her and Captain occupying the small apartment. Small, but cozy. It would be much cozier if she put some music on, however. She was tired of hearing the electronics buzzing in the air. "What do you think, Captain? Should it be American themed today, to celebrate my test tomorrow?"

Sakura was referencing the fact that she had a test in her American Music and Culture class tomorrow, in which she was not looking forward to. But, what college student ever looked forward to a test?

Sakura pulled her phone from her pocket, placing her fork back onto the plate. She only had to scroll through her phone for a moment before finding what she was looking for. She clicked on the app, pulling up the playlist her professor had shared with her. The different songs that she was supposed to listen to before the test were listed, ranging from classical rock to several popular pop songs from the 90's. She pressed on the play button, waiting.

However, nothing played.

Sakura, stared down at the screen, pressing the play button again. Nothing. Zip. Nada. She stared quizzically at her phone, setting aside her half-eaten plate of spaghetti before standing. She started to swipe through her phone, looking for the problem. Sure, her phone was older, but it never had any problems before.

She finally found the Bluetooth tab, seeing the name "Kuwabara's Crib" as connected. Sakura furrowed her brows, but only had to think for a moment before it hit her. She audibly said, "Fuck,".

She was connected to her neighbor's speaker system still. She turned when she heard something crash behind her. Captain was scrambling away from the mess he had created on the floor, a noodle still dangling from his mouth. She knew he wouldn't regret what he did, even later when she would have to take a wet cloth to wipe the marinara from his mouth.

She quickly cleaned up the mess, taking an old towel to wipe up the sauce. Once done, she decided the best way to fix the problem was to go over and apologize to her neighbor. The blast of music had probably scared him at the very least. Hopefully she hadn't interrupted his dinner with anyone.

"Captain," Sakura said, fake stiffness in her voice as she mimicked a drill sergeant. The cat peeked out from his hiding place around the corner, amber eyes watching curiously as she saluted to him. "Hold the fort down until I get back!"

With that, she exited through the door. Her phone was safely in her back pocket as she walked about 3 doors down from her own apartment. Before she could chicken out, she knocked heavily on the door. The sound bounced through the hallway, sounding eerie with no other sound around. She listened, hearing someone thump around before the doorknob turned.

She had to tilt her head up to meet his eyes, but that was hard to do. He had answered the door in his pants, but his abdomen was unclothed. Sakura could feel a little heat pooling in her cheeks as she watched his blink sleepily at her.

"He-" Sakura swallowed as she tripped over the word, and tried again. It was hard to talk when he was so muscular. She didn't even know she was into that type of thing until .5 seconds ago. "Hey, I think my phone accidentally connected to your speaker system. I came over to apologize."

He stared at her for a moment before stepping back and motioning her inside. Sakura didn't know what took hold of her, but she followed her instructions and stepped inside the apartment. The man rubbed at his eyes for a minute before stepping away. He disappeared deeper into the apartment, returning with a shirt on.

"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? It looks like I woke you up," Sakura observed. The man looked to her, scratching at his messy hair.

"It's fine, but do you think you can reset this thing?" Kuwabara didn't have a hint of humor in his voice when he asked this, leading Sakura to believe he was sincere. The man motioned to the speaker system, a frown on his face. "One of my friends got it for me, but forgot to include instructions."

"Yeah, no problem," Sakura said, stepping forward. As she started to fiddle with the buttons on the speaker, she could hear Kuwabara relax onto the couch. Feeling particularly chatty and not in the mood for the silence, her mouth started to move before she could stop it. "If you could have one super power, what would it be?"

"What-! What are you talking about?" Kuwabara almost shouted, his feet thumping on the floor in his surprise. Sakura didn't' look to him, smiling to herself at his overreaction. She had probably surprised him from reading something on his phone. "What super power?"

"Oh, you know," Sakura started, twisting a knob on the speaker. A light lit up for a moment before dimming again. "Like invisibility, or super strength. I think I'd like to have the ability to make the temperature increase or decrease. That way I'd never be too hot or cold."

"Oh- Uh," Kuwabara stuttered out. "That's neat."

"What about you? Any thoughts about what super power you'd like?" Sakura said, gently guiding him back to the conversation. Kuwabara cleared his throat, and Sakura turned to look at him. She was done with the speaker system.

"The power to protect everyone." Kuwabara looked down at his hands, seemingly not aware of Sakura watching him. He seemed to be rubbing at a scar on his hand, thinking deeply. Sakura could see the change in his demeanor, and she stood up. He looked up at her, broke out of his thoughts.

"I never introduced myself. I'm Sakura," She said, holding out her hand. Kuwabara shook it firmly, smiling at her.

"Kuwabara," He said, standing. Sakura started to walk towards the door, Kuwabara trailing after her. He stopped her at the door, catching her by the hand. She turned back to him, eyebrow raised. "Let me make it up to you for helping me with my speakers. Can I take you out to lunch sometime?"

"Sure, I'd love to."

Neighbors (Kuwabara X OC Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now