chapter 1

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Erza POV
Me and my friends were at my families mall. My friend Juvia is ranting about the boy. She has a crush on. She is even making him a Gray doll. To remember her by. I worry for her.

My other friend Lucy is spoiling my little brother Natsu. I hope my oldest brother doesn't walk by. He hates it when Natsu is feed to many sweets. He is such a worry wart. But just in case. "Lucy, no more sweets. Or Zeref will have our heads". She ignores me and gives Natsu a lollipop. Juvia also hands Natsu a Gray cookie.

"Sorry, that I was late". A girl calls out to us. We turn to  see Levy runnjng to us. She trips and face plant into the ground. Ouch, that gonna hurt. Natsu jumps up from his seat to help Levy. He helps her to the table. For a ten year, he such a gentleman.

Levy rubs her nose and also hands a chocolate bar to Natsu. I sigh, I just wish they stop giving him sweets.  Because Zeref will kill me later.

"What's that bruise on your neck, Levy?" Natsu asked her. She turned bright pink. I quickly look at her neck. And just like Natsu said. There is a bruise. "Who did this to you, Levy?" I asked. I was furious. Some bastard put his hands on one of my girls.

Levy turns so red she looks like a tomato. "Dont be mad, Erza. I asked Gajeel to do. He practically cried through the whole thing". We were left stunned by what she said. "He such sweet heart when it comes to me. He never harms me. And I have to beg him too. I feel so bad for forcing him". And again we were left stunned. That's when I remembered Natsu was here.

I turned to my little Brother. His ears are covered by the blushing Lucy. I decide to change the subject. "So how is college going for you, Levy?" Her attitude change. She ranted about her classes.

After an hour. I notice Natsu was missing. I started to freak out. Where did he go to? I wasnt the only freaking.

We start to sreaching for him. Levy called Gajeel for help. And I called Zeref. Who would call the security team.

After I got off the phone. I notice someone in a hood. Carrying a smaller person in a hood. I chase after them. I push through the crowd to get to them. I know the smaller person is Natsu. It has to be. Just when the person reached the door. I grabbed their hood. It comes off their head. The person turns around to face me. "Hello Erza, it's been a long time. But I cant stay to chat. I have to get home". My grip on Jellals hood tightens.

"Not until you give me back my brother, asshole". He just smirks at me. In the corner of my eye. I can see the security team surrounding us. "This is my good bye, Erza". Then the building fills up with smoke. Its hard to breath. I cant see anything.

When the smoke clears. I realized that I had let go of the hood. Allowing that monster to take my little brother away.

Later that day
I got an ear full from my father, Igneel. He was furious with me for not keeping better eye Natsu. But at the same time. He begged me not to do anything like that again. If I had got hurt or killed trying to save Natsu. He wouldn't able live with himself.

The household was broken for a long time. It took some time before Zeref would talk to me or knowledge my existence.

Six years later
Me and my close friends were sitting at a meeting table. Each one of them owned a store in my family mall. I was just here as representative of my family business. We were waiting for our new business partners.

Ten minutes later. In walks Jellal. I am already out of my seat. Ready to rip him to sherds. I am not the only one. Gajeel is right by my side. "Why the fuck are here Jellal?" I scream. Jellal puts his hands in the air. He has a confuse look on his face. A young girl appears from behind him. She is so cute. She has long pink hair. And big black eyes. She is also very tiny. She kind of looks like Natsu. If he was a girl

She is gripping Jellals shirt. "Who is the kid?" Gajeel asked him. The little girl is shaking. Jellal puts a arm in front of her. He looks pissed. I can tell hes about to say something. "That is enough. Is this how you show respect to our new partners?" Zeref appears behind Jellal. Why the hell is he siding with the person whi kidnapped our brother?

Zeref glares at us. He steps in front of the two. "Let me introduce you to Mystogan and his sister Nala. They are here to open a store in our mall. The new partners. I been talking about". Well shit, now I feel fucking bad. Why does this guy have to share a face with the asshole.

We apologize to them. Mystogan is still pissed. But his sister has calmed down. She waves to Lucy and Levy. They wave back to her.

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