Part 2

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                                                                                           y/n's POV:

I woke up the next day wondering about what i should wear. Hm... I held up a shirt to my face.' Would Coraline like this?? Wait why do I even care about what she thinks?!' I ran my hand threw my h/l c/h. 'I got it i'll wear this!' i thought to myself. 

(or what ever the fuck you want to wear)

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(or what ever the fuck you want to wear)

I grabbed my satchel and put my sketchbook and a few pencils and ran down stairs. "Where are you going young lady?" I heard my mom ask from behind me."Some new family moved into the pink palace. I-I was going to go meet them..." I said. She eye'd me suspiciously."Okay well tell them hi for me!" she said smiling brightly. I grabbed my skateboard and rode to her house being to lazy to walk. 

I walked to her door straighten my clothes. 'wait what if she forgot.No,No, just do it' i thought. Then, I rang the door bell. A tall man answered the door. He had brown hair and glasses that slid down his nose. "Hi, um is Coraline here?" I asked. "Yes, I'm her father." he said. "I'm y/n l/n. It's nice to meet you Mr.Jones!" I said." Come on in." he said leading me into the living room. 

"I'll go get her for you." he said walking out of the room. 

                                                                            Coraline POV: 

"Coraline!" I heard my father yell. "Yeah dad?" I asked him. "You're friends here." he said. "Friend?" I asked tilting my head in thought. "Oh shoot i forgot that she was coming over!" I said frantically getting up. "Okay well I'll be in my study if you need me." he said walking away. 

I walked down stairs looking for her. I found her in the kitchen looking out the window.'She looks beautiful.......huh? no I just met her.' i thought shaking my head from the thought. "Hi y/n." I said. "Good Morning. How are you liking it here?" she asked. " Um well I haven't got the chance to look around yet." I said. "I could show you around town. Only if you want that is." I said looking me in the eyes. 

"That sounds fun I'll go ask my parents if I can go." I said walking toward my dads study. "Dad? Is it okay if y/n shows me around town?" I asked. "Yeah sure honey. Just be back by lunch okay." " Thanks dad." 

I walked down stairs back to wear y/n was. She was looking out the same window, hand supporting her face. A small smile made it's way onto my face. "Hey, my dad said we can go. We just have to be back by lunch." I said. Her c/h (color hair) fell in her face as she looked toward me. 

"Alright where do you wanna go first then?" she asked. "We could look around at the shops for a bit." 

"Yeah, that sounds fun!" I said as she stood. I grabbed my coat and we both walked out the door. 

                                                                                       Y/n's POV: 

 " So tell me about yourself." I said breaking the silence. "Navy blue, how about you?" she asked tilting her head. "f/c." I said. "What about favorite-" We walked threw town asking each other questions. We passed by a small flower shop. I looked at the red roses sitting there. 

"Beautiful aren't they?" I thought out loud. "Yeah.My parents are actually writing a book about flowers and gardening." Coraline said fiddling with a small dandelion in her hand. "Oh that's cool! My mom and her friend always put flowers up in the front of our store." I said remembering when Isabella told her all about the different flowers they put out. "Store?" she asked. " Oh, right my mom owns a that store right there." Pointing to the clothing store across the street. Its blue paint starting to some off. 

"If you want you can come meet my mom but, she's probably really busy right now." I said. "I'm sure we can meet her another day plus its getting close to lunch so we should probably head back." she said looking at her watch. 

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