Best in Me (ONE SHOT)

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 *Writer's Note: I had a dream the other night and this story is based on that dream. I woke up at around one in the morning and I immediately got into writing this story.

So, here's my first ever one shot story here in Wattpad, and if I do say so myself, I'm better at writing one shots than "long" shots if you know what I mean.



"Amethyst Reed."


As soon as she heard her name get called by the emcee, she couldn't contain her joy. Her anxieties and all the hoping was over. Amy actually won a chance to meet and greet her favorite author, Nicholas Sparks.

"May we request the 10 VIP winners to come up the stage to become the first ones to get the latest book signed by Mr. Nicholas Sparks himself. And not only that, they each get to have their picture taken with him and a Special Edition T-Shirt with the book's cover as the design. There are only 100 of these shirts and you get to be one of those who owns one! Congratulations."

"C'mon Amy! What're you waiting for!? Go on already!" 

Michel Walker, her best friend in the whole world, urged her brightly, patting her back.

"Oh yeah, um okay! Here I go!" she says giddily, as she made her way passed the other fans of Sparks, and then walking up the stage along with the other ten winners.

Michel watched his bestfriend as she joined the other lucky girls and he couldn't help but smile a big one, seeing how happy and excited she was. Amy's been waiting for this big day for almost two months and all her efforts to save up for an admission fee and also extra money for the transportation fare to get to the venue (not to mention his efforts to save up for that as well) actually paid off.

The ten excited fans lined up, getting their book signed, a solo picture taken with him, and then being presented with the limited edition shirt by the Famous Author himself.

When it was Amy's turn, "Mr. Sparks sir, this is a li-little something for you." she stammered, then she handed him a Framed chalk sketch of a Lighthouse, which was inspired by one of her all-time favorite Nicholas Sparks novels "The True Believer."

"Wow, this is very beautiful. How very thoughtful too. Thank you miss." 

When the famous author said that, it took all of Amy's willpower not to faint. 

She smiled and nodded at him, "You're welcome! Thank you too! I just love your work!"

"Ahh, a hopeless romantic I presume?"

"You presume correctly!" she giggled, ecstatic that she was actually having a conversation with her hero.

"I'm guessing you're with your boyfriend then, huh?" the author teased.

Amy blushed, "Uh, no sir. Hehe, he's just my best friend."

"Oh, well, maybe you'll get there." he winked at her, then he signed the book for her.

At that, Amy just smiled, doubting her hero's words.


As Michel watched Amy walk back to him after getting her picture taken with him, he tried to remember the last time he saw her that happy. As in, not contained in a shell and all shy like she usually is. Her strict, hot-tempered dad was the main reason she grew up to be that reserved and Michel was just glad she was slowly coming out of her shell.

"There she is, the lucky star!" he greeted her with open arms.

In response, she squeeled in delight and naturally jumped into his arms, giving her bestfriend a tight embrace as he lifted her up and spun around while doing so.

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