Chapter 1: A gay Awakening in Town

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The day went by fairly normal as always. It was not a shock to the buff bar keep. He was cleaning a mug idly. The mug was cleaned long before but he didn't have much else to do. He was thinking about earlier today. Earlier a group of adventurers strode into town. He could see them from the window. They seemed to cause a lot of ruckus and he was hoping they wouldn't come to his tavern but they are adventurers so that was a low chance. When he saw the party walk in his heart almost stopped. He saw a tall girl with curly brown hair. She was beautiful but not as beautiful at what she was holding. She held a fat ginger cat. Larger than the normal one and obviously more humanoid. He was beautiful. Dashing. Sexy. Breath taking. The girl walked up to the bar and the strange Goliath man ordered some drinks as well as the tall girl. The rogue didn't do much but that didn't matter. He was completely focused on the humanoid cat. It was almost as if he had cast a spell on him. He felt he was staring a little too long and took his mind off of it by doing his job. "What can I do you for?" "1 gold." "I-I uh meant what can I get you?" "Oh! Got an fruity drinks?" The bartender didn't think too much about the earlier comment out of dignity and handed the cat an apple. Everything went smoothly other than the occasional glances at the cat (who he still doesn't know the name of). He could have sworn he saw the cat glancing back at him but it must have been his imagination. There's no way think sexy himbo cat would ever look at him.
A few days later
The mayor told us to evacuate a day after the adventurers came to town. We were all reasonably confused and suspicious but I didn't think about what could happen to the town while we were gone. I was more focused on what could be happening to the ginger cat. Could he be in danger? He doesn't know what he would do if he were to ever see even a little scratch on that beautiful face. For the next five days, he spent his days and nights thinking of the cat and what he and the cat could do if he were still alive.
When the town goes back to town (lmao this has no plot cause it's an inside joke from a dnd campaign I am so sorry)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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