Prologue - Unpredictable Futures.

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I glanced up at the clock that seemed to be ticking ever so slowly from my desk. Two forty-five. I swear it was two forty-two ten minutes ago.

The classroom was absolutely silent as we all worked on our English paper. So if you haven't guessed already, I was sat in sixth period English, finishing and English paper with ten minutes left of school. The only problem being that I finished the paper in the first half of the lesson. The teacher doesn't collect the paper till the end of class to collect the paper and the class has to sit in total silence or the paper is taken off us. So now i have to wait, and man am I bored!

I looked up at the clock again and watched the hand tick away. Considering I had absolutely nothing to do, it was pretty entertaining.






The bell finally rung after several minutes. With a sigh of relief, I pulled my stuff together. I placed my paper on the teachers desk and headed out the door towards my locker.

"Hey." I felt someone bump my shoulder.

I turned to face one of my many friends, Aimee. "Hey. You ready for the game tonight?"

She shrugged "Yeah, I guess. Reed Baker will be there so it should be an interesting."

"Your obsession with him is unhealthy," I said with a chuckle.

"Ah, I don't care. He's just so cute..." she drifted off, going into her own world.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my bag out of my locker. Just as I was about to walk away, Aimee grabbed my shoulders and spun me around to face the other way. I knew almost immediately why.

"Brad and Brittney are sucking face aren't they?"

Brad is my ex-boyfriend since three weeks ago. Basically, he got a little too possessive. So I said we needed a break, he disagreed, which lead to a huge argument, and resulted in him 'accidentally' hitting me. The bruise has only just faded. For the first two weeks he tried apologizing and begging, none of which worked. And for this past week he's tried making me jealous.

I'll admit, its kind of working.

"They're basically having sex against the lockers! I think I'll be scarred for life." sh shuddered in disgust.

I sighed. "Thanks Aimee, really, but I'm getting a riding with my brother, so I have to go past them anyway."

"Oh.." she mumbled then smiled "I'll go with you then."

"You just wanna come 'cause you think my brother is hot." I rolled my eyes but began to walk anyway.

"Well..firstly, no, I am coming to support a friend. And secondly, he is hot and even you, his sister can admit that." she called.

I laughed "Yeah, he's good looking but he's my brother! It's just...ew!"

"Oh shush. I'd kill to live with your brother."

"Okay, lets stop talking about my brother like that! Its making me feel nauseous." I joked, adding in a fake gag.

We both laughed and linked arms. I felt someone else link their arm through my free one. I smiled at Chelsea, who decided to ruffle my curly brown hair. I called in protest and they both laughed at me. I noticed Brad looking my way. He looked as gorgeous as ever. His blonde hair was the carefully made messy look, beautiful hazel eyes and straight white teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2013 ⏰

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