Whats that noise (This is a ua where the killing game never happen)

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Sakura POV:
It got up getting ready for a normal day at school*leaves dorm*I was going to make sure aoi was up because she sleeps in a lot
I went to her dorm and knocked on the door.when she didn't answer i heard crying and went in*goes into aoi dorm*I looked over at her bed and
I saw that aoi had turned into a baby.I picked up aoi*aoi stoped crying and fell asleep*.....how did this happen. Well it doesn't matter i need to get to breakfast but what am I going to do with aoi as a baby...I guess i have to take her with me but how am I going to explain this to everyone...I will come up with something on the way *leaves aoi dorm holding baby aoi*.*walks into dining haul* everyone:hey Sakura....*everyone looks at aoi* everyone:what happened to aoi! (Back to Sakura's POV)well I was making sure she was up and getting ready then I heard crying from her room and I went in and she was a baby.Everyone:what are we going to do.(Sakura POV) I don't know I guess we have to take of her until we can fix this.*aoi starts to wakes up still a baby* chihiro:she's wakening up. *baby aoi rubs eyes*(sakura POV)your wake.Celestial:aww she's adorable(headcannon they celestial loves kids/babies)*baby aoi recess out for celestial*celestia:can I hold her:(Sakura POV)sure*celestia picks up baby aoi*celestia:aww I luv babies.

Baby aoi ashahinaWhere stories live. Discover now