1, Starting a "lonly" winter break

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3rd point of wew

It was 9 pm. Uraraka still was studying for the exam befor the winter break.
"Com on uraraka, you can do this. Only one chapter left to study"
Uraraka whisperd to her self.

Half an hour later she was finished with the chapter.
'I still dont feel preperd enough, what if i search for an earlier exam, that could prepeare me'
she was thinking with excited and relif.
"Why does it seem so hard, i have studied all week"
she whined.

"Finaly i am finished with it, my head hurts from how fast i had answered the questions"
Uraraka mumbeld with exhausted. She picked up her flip phone, to look at the clock.
"It is only 10.05"
she exclaimed suprised.

"Well, i dont really need to go to bed for another hour and a half"
thinking out loud. She desided to take a walk to a close by park. A break... she really neaded it to relax her brain if she was ever going to get sleep before the exam.

Uraraka looked around the room, she had a cheap bed, with paper a thin blanket, it was plased beside the window. Looking out the window was her second hand desk, and a uncomfortable chair. She did not have enough money for a closet, but she did not really nead it. She only had a few clothing, that was tuked under her bed. Behind the door was her hero costume and ua uniform. They were hanging so that she did not nead to pay to get it ironed.

She grabbed the coat that was folded on her seat for comfort and took it on. She tip toed out of the dorms, and tok on her shoes. The were pretty worned out, but they could certainly work another year or so. She could not tie her right shoe, beacause half of the shoelase was torn of.

Toga's point of view

I sat on my bed. In my night gown and with my hair down. It was freezing in here. I dit not get any food today, i failed another mission. It was just to hard to hurt people.

I only manegde to act like i enjoyed it every now and then, in a self defensiv way. Laying my head on the uncomferteble, hard and ice cold matress. Staring on the cealing deep in thouth. All i had was a bed, and som food, sometimes not even neither of those things. I have gotten used to it. Still, i coud not stop myself from thinking what a normal teenager's life is. Not beeing able to go to school, have friend's, or having aesthetic clothing to change into.

I guessed it was around 9 pm. I was not really planing to sleep. I just did not get tired, or felt safe enough to relax. On top of that, my nightmares was unberable. I was luky that nobody cheked up on me. That way i coud sneek out for a little while. Don't get me wrong i did want to escape, but to where? If i got recognized a would be thrown in prison. Even if a havent killed anybody. I still dont like to even think about hurting somebody.

The smal window over my bed was my only source of light, it was tiny. But if a try i might be abel to get out through it. The rest if the L.O.V was upstaires by the bar, and the entranse. Needing a break from this hell hole i desided to go to a park, it was a long walk, but it was way better that staying here.

Opening the widow i removed all of my knives so i would fit through, to then sloly wiggled my way throug. The air was so much better than inside. I begain to walk to the park over an hour away. It is gonna be a long night, sneeking around without beeing seen.

Uraraka' point of view

When i got to the park i sat down in a swingset i front of a lake. Loking at the park, the autum leaves turning yellow and read. Prepering to fall of to winter.

My eyes was following a family of ducks in the lake. Loking at the duklings splashin around and emptying there mother of energi by having to look after them when they playd hide and seek in the grass. It reminded me of my family, i really missed them. I felt something warm go down my cheak.

Toga's point of view

I got to the park exhausted. The sun had alredy set, and it was now the sky black. The street lights following the path in the park was the only source of light. I did not want to be recognized so i went to an area with a pond. There were no street lights there.

My body was so fatigued it was hard to stand up strait. I saw a swing sett and walked to it. I had a habit if walking silent, so that i would be as invisible as posible. I sat down and my body started to sink in to the seet. I sudenly herd a sniff and yelpt.
"Aah, who i-i-is th-here"
blured out of my mouth before i coverd it with my hand.

Uraraka's point of view

"What, is somebody there"
i managed to get out of my mouth in a mixture of muffeling and skreming. Forgeting about the torn shoe lase. I stood up so fast a fell over by the worend out shoe lase, on my right foot.
i muffeld though my teeth.

Toga's point of view

"Are you ok"
i gasped out loud. Before thinking i had stood up and walk the the ground one meter away from where i sat.
"I am so sorry"
i said in a panicked wisper. Reaching my heand put the the person.

3rd persons's point of view

Uraraka took togas hand. Slowly taking her outher hand on the ground to stedy her self, feailing the cold gras against it.
"It is not you falt, i was just my shoe" uraraka answerd embarressed back. As she gripped tightly on togas hand to stand up. Uraraka lokked up to meet Togas vibrent yellow eyes.

Helo guys, gals and non binary pals.
It aint to bad to be my first story. The outher parts in on there way. Feel free to come with suggetion, and i wil see what i can do. There wil be many outher books in the near future.

- Curseandablessing
[1098 words]

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