Part 1 - A Confession

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Sophie couldn't believe how lucky she was to be living this life.

The Neverseen were finally eradicated and she wasn't very far from graduating the Elite Levels of Foxfire.

And that was when she got a hail from Keefe and Fitz that, unbeknownst to her, would change her life forever.

"Hey. Do you think that you could come to Everglen tonight?" Keefe asked, looking nervous and fidgety as he glanced at Fitz, who was sitting beside him.

Sophie couldn't help but look down so they wouldn't notice her blushing; neither of them knew she liked them - both of them.

"Sure, why?"

"Um . . . Keefe and I just wanted to talk to you about something," Fitz said, his voice slightly going up. "About this problem we have. But it'll be fine - don't freak out, and . . . you can just head over when you get a chance, okay?"

"Okay," Sophie said, confused. And despite the "Don't freak out" comment, she couldn't help but wonder what had happened.

When she finally made it over to Everglen, Fitz and Keefe were waiting for her by the front door. "Hey," Fitz said, gesturing her in. "I think Biana's hanging out with Linh and Marella today, so we shouldn't have any stalkers today, thankfully."

Sophie couldn't help but dread what was so serious they didn't want any company. She glanced at Keefe, who so far hadn't said a word.

"Should we head over to the lake?" Sophie suggested. "If it's something that serious, it can't hurt to have a beautiful sight."

"Sure," Keefe said, leading Sophie and Fitz over a trek to where the lake rested.

"So here's the thing, Sophie," Fitz said, once they got to the place they eventually settled. He glanced at Keefe before continuing. "Keefe and I want to handle this in a mature way, and . . . we feel that the best way to do that is being open about our feelings - with each other, and you."

"Okay . . ." she said cautiously.

"Fitz and I both like you," Keefe burst in.

Sophie couldn't believe her ears. "Really?"

"But here's the thing," he continued. "We like each other, too. And we weren't really sure how to address that until we decided to tell you."

"Oh." Sophie looked down.

"Look, we don't want to pressure you, Sophie," Fitz added gently. "It's perfectly fine for both of us, any way that it works out."

"Here's the thing," Sophie said, still gazing at the ground. "At first, it was only Fitz I liked, but . . . now it's both of you. And now I think we all know what a good solution is."

"Wait, so you know about -"

"Yeah, of course I do," Sophie interrupted, answering Keefe's unasked question. "I lived with the humans for quite a while, you know."

"And you'd be okay with -"

Sophie rolled her eyes good naturedly. "Of course," she said, reaching out to take each of the boy's hands.

Her two boyfriends.

She couldn't think of anything better. 

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