New school, new town.

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Karlis pov

It's currently one thirty am and me being me, I can't sleep. My thoughts are swimming through my head and keeping me awake with fear. Everyone at my old school said I was different and for that reason I got bullied. Tomorrow is the first day of my freshman year. And I will tell you, I am afraid. I'm afraid cause people don't except me, I'm afraid of who I am. I've been thinking about how somethings change but they don't get better. My mom and dad got divorced at a young age. It's only my mom and me in this house. I'm going to Freeman High school, and yes I know I will get bullied. Now it is six am now, wow time goes by fast when I'm thinking. Well I guess I have to get ready for school. I get up from my bed, and wobble to my dresser almost tripping from sleepiness. I grab a sleeping with sirens shirt, some skinny jeans an my doc martens. I go to the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth and walk out and head downstairs to get breakfast. Once I'm down there I get some cereal and eat it as fast as I can. I grab my iPhone and ear buds get my backpack an head put the door. My mom is at work so I have to walk, in the snow. Just my
Luck. I guess I have to catch the bus. After walking for what seemed like twenty minutes, the bus comes and I step inside the bus. I go down the isle getting a few spiteful comments like. " Did you cut yourself again last night" or " Think about dying, good no one needs a fag like you". I reach the back of the bus a sit down, thinking. This is gonna be a long year.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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