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After the talk with their managers, New just locked himself in his room. He took his phone out of his pocket and texted Gun.

To: Gunniee Atthaphan

Just go here at the house. Here's the address
[location address]
Have your dinner here

From: Gunniee Atthaphan

I have a dinner meeting. I'll be there around 8.
Eat without me.
Want me to bring you anything?

To: Gunniee Atthaphan

1 liter of my fav, please 🥺

From: Gunniee Atthaphan

Why did I even ask? 🙄 Good thing Tay's not there now or I will be at the receiving end of his sermons
I'll text you when I'm bound there.

New smiled at the thought of Tay preaching to both Gun and New the disadvantages of eating a lot of sweets especially at night.

"And you, Gun," Tay is now looking directly at Gun but the latter has his mouth zipped while looking pretty much everywhere except Tay. "You know how much Hin is a sucker for sweets. I would have tolerated it if you just bought him a cone or something but 1 LITER?!"

"But-" Gun interjected but Tay was quick to cut him off.

"I know my boyfriend, Gun! I know he's the only one who ate it all." When Tay said the last sentence, he was already looking at New with arms across his chest and an eyebrow raised, who returned his stare but with puppy eyes.

"I'm sorry, Te. I just really missed ice cream. You know P'Jack has been restricting my intake of sweets now because they want me to lose weight, right?"

"Hin, I care less about your weight because I love you no matter what. But eating too much ice cream especially at this time of night is not healthy. Did you two even have dinner yet?"

None of them responded. Tay sighed. He slapped his forehead while his eyes are closed and said, "Now I just know that we are not about to get enough sleep tonight because of your tummy ache."

New stood up and hugged Tay on his waist "Stop being mad now, please? I won't do it again."

It was a sweet memory, and New can't help but wonder if he's ever going to get another sweet moment like that with Tay.


At six in the evening, New went down to prepare their dinner but he was surprised to see Mint already cooking.

"You should rest, Mint. You're pregnant. I'd cook for us from now on."

"I know I'm pregnant, New, thank you for reminding me." Mint looked behind her and smiled at New. "But, I'm not that pregnant yet so it's fine. Besides, I'm just planning to prepare pasta. I figured you'd go out with Gun tonight."

"Right. Mint, about that, I actually invited him here. Would that be okay?"

Mint looked at New with confusion, "Is that okay with you? I thought you don't want others to know where we live or they might tell Tay?"

"Yeah, but, I thought about what you said and you're right. Right now, all I have is Gun and I need to open up to him if I want him to stay."

You have me, too. Mint thought but chose not to say it. "Alright. After we eat, I'll just go up in my room and watch movies so I can give you two privacy."

"Thank you, Mint."


While New was sitting on the couch in the living room, he heard the doorbell rang. He walked towards the door and opened it. When he saw Gun, he suddenly burst into tears and hugged the other.

Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Where stories live. Discover now