Before you read :)

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I like making these before you read my stories so that I can warn you guys what gonna happen and I don't get anyone complaining.


This story will contain some parts not fit for some including but not limited to sexual assault, sexual scenes, and violence. Reader discretion is advised.


This story takes place during the Aot timeline specifically during the four years that were skipped over in the anime. Due to the fact, this is during the time of the time slip I had to guess as to what was happening and make it into a bit of a new story.

As always I would like to mention I do not own any of the characters nor do I own Attack on Titan.

I hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave any feedback :D

Also, I need help finding a good title I don't know if I like the one I have right now but I couldn't just leave it blank so if you have any ideas please leave them in the comments please, and thank you!

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