Chapter - 13 (Part 2)

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Antonio's POV

"Damn it, why isn't Crystal picking up my calls." I gritted out.

Crystal was supposed to meet us after classes but she ditched, then when I went to meet her at the cafe Gabrielle informed she didn't show up to work either. And now she is not picking up my calls.

"Maybe Jay and her are on a date." Raygen chimed in from her seat.

"And why would they be on a Date.." I asked.

"Don't tell me you're so oblivious to the sparks flying between them." Raygen wiggled her hands in the air.

"Or maybe you see too much." I mocked.

"Are you jealous?" Raygen jumped out of her seat to come and stand in front of me.

"Shut up. I am not jealous, just concerned about her."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever floats your boat." Raygen waved me off, taking her seat.

I rolled my eyes at her assumptions before dialing Crystal's number again. A distressing feeling settling into my stomach.

"Am going to Crystal's house." I exclaimed, slipping into my jacket.

"What? This late." Raygen looked at me, alarmed.

"I feel something is wrong." I replied, the feeling intensifying by the minute.

"I'll come with you." Raygen started grabbing her coat as well.

I gave her a confused look "We don't want her to get suspicious. And visiting her this late alone isn't a good idea either." She added. 'I don't understand what she means.'

I nodded at her, not wanting to argue further. I closed my eyes and pictured the porch of Crystal's house, opening them I found myself in front of it. 'Teleportation really saves time.'

'Phwoo phwoo' Raygen whistled, "Your powers are getting better."

"It's called practice." I stated.

The door suddenly flew open as a scared, worried and tensed Gabrielle stood in front of us. With her unkempt hair and sullen expression, her eyes were on the verge of tears.

"What's wrong?" Raygen asked as she approached her.

"Crystal.." Gabrielle said as her voice staggered.

"What happened to her?" I asked as my body turned rigid.

"She...she hasn't come back." Gabrielle stammered.

Raygen turned to look at me, alarmed. 'Something was definitely wrong.'

"Don't worry, I'll find her. Ray stay with Gabrielle and if you hear anything about Crystal, let me know ASAP." I ordered her as I took off to Jay's house.

Jay wasn't at his house either. Acting upon my instinct, I went to visit the campus, since it was the last place we believed them both to be.

I found Jay's car parked in front of the Arts Department. The car was locked. On inspecting the area further, I found a small dart on the ground a few inches down the exit of the building; the potent smell of anaesthesia hit my senses. Further down there were also a few drops of blood. 'Was Crystal kidnapped?' The idea of her being hurt sent a pang of sadness to my heart.

I called Raygen "Gen, meet me at the campus near the Arts building." She took a minute to appear in front of me, all confused.

"What happened? Did you find Crystal?" She asked.

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